
Friiay Aug. 6. - The Bank Bill pasaed the House by vote of 128 yéas, ali whiga- â 97 nays, of whom 7 were whigs, viz: Messrs. Gilmer, Mallory, and Wise, frora Virginia, ood Foster, Adams, Irwin, and Marshall. - The three last voted nay, on constitutional ounds. Six Whig and five opposition members were absent. Salurday, lug. 7.- Tn the House, the bilà to repeal the Sub-Treaeury was discuss ed. On Monday, it was debated eeveral bours, wben the amendmènt reported by the currency committee, which repeals the Deposite Act of 1836, and in case the Bank blll fails, throws the treasury back on the ]awofl79l, was adopted. The Bill was tlien passed, yeas, 134- nays 87--mojority 47. The Fortification Bill has passed the Senate by vote of yeas 45- na.ya 4. The bill appropriates $ 100,000 for anned steamers on Lake Erie, and S5ü,000 ior the fortificalion af Detroit. Mr. Aclama present-ed a resolution calling for a list of rejected petitions, which was laid on the table by vute of 124 to 62. Mr. Giddings oÃfered a resolution calling 011 the President for information respecting the cause and manner of carrying on the Seminóle war, whicli was agreed to.