
"Trust no future, hosve'er p'easant, Let the dead past bury its dead à Act, act for the glorious present, Heart within, and God o'er head." We we were remindc-d of ihe above linea, on reading the following n a comrnutncation of Bro. Treadwell, recéntly received by US. "I have just been remÃnded that as abolitionists we ought to be up and doing lu rcdeem the poor slave and uur country1s liberties, while we may, by the information of the sudden deuih of thrce of our devoted friends offreedum - Rev. C.Gurney, oà Branch co., J. Loomis, Esq., of Ingham, and Mr. Shepperd of E.iton. - Will not the surviving friends of überty n the PenÃnsula State redouble their diligence lo make up, if pusstble, the loss of ihree such fellow-laborers. Those who yet huve time and means al their disposal, and do not wisely devote them, while their stewardship is contiuued, to promote so great and so good a cause for the temporal and eternal well-being of heir fellowmen, can Ihey feel, when called upon to render up their final account, that their work is all done and welld ne?"
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Chester Gurney
J. Loomis