Letter From Livingston County

A.la meeting of the County A. S. Society, July 0, Mr. Armstrong, of Handy, was nominated a delégate frotn that to the Senatorial Convention, at Ann Arbor, Aug. 25. A cali fur Ihat Convention vvae addressed to Mr. Armstrong, requesting him to sign it ïf he approved of it, and return ït witli as many signatures as he could obtain, directcd to the Signul of Liberty, Ann Arbur. It was returned lo us enclosed in the following letter, without any eignature, which we publish verbatim, literalim, et punctuatim. Angst 8ih41 To the Signal of Liberty Messrs as my being a friend of Liberty you are RightIcy Informed and that univarsal as far as it enn be enjoyed which I belive amercans Citizen does enjoy aa for ihe Negroes of ihe south If we had never had any of this class (Aboli) the shekles would ear lliis tim have folien fram many a blaekmati heals (hut now the Cur9 Rest uppan the liead ihat Excenlrect baad [The following names wore cppended to the "cali," as sent in by him.] New York Cvt Tappan Auther no 240 do dö Denah Crow Iste of Cuba Jowler ) do do Punta $ Whites bocergh Smith Garret Adams John Q. Blacks borugh Berna Geor G The above is a fair specemin of ihe hetrngenious Compact which lorais the polineal abolitioniáls We rnake no comments on the nbove.- It is entirely unnecessary.Tf"The following signatures to tho Sentorial Convention were received too late for nsertion in last week's paper. Ransom Wilkinson, Samuel Hubhard, Artema'Mahan, E. F. Gay, Marión; Ehjah Coffren, B. C. Curtiss, Howeïl; Asahel Dibble, Genoa. Dexter, Wash. Co.-George Walker, N. M. Gilbert.
Letters to the Editor
Anti-Slavery Society
Senatorial Convention
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Ransom Wilkinson
Samuel Hubbard
Artema Mahan
E. F. Gay
Elijah Coffren
B.C. Curtiss
Asahel Dibble
George Walker
N.M. Gilbert
John Quincy Adams
Garret Smith
Arthur Tappan
George G. Berna
Livingston County