Poetry: The Oppressed

Lord, regard in tender mercy Those who groan beneath the yoke; Let the rescued captive bless thee, When they feel their fetters broke- Shield our country From tby sin avenging etroke. Afric's sons so long degraded, Pour their plaint in pity's ear; Be tbeir righls no inore invaded- - Bid the downcast spirit chcer. God of mercies, For deliverance now oppearSee thy people bow before thee, Humbled for a nation's guilt, Spare the land we n.ow implore thee, Where the guiltless blood is spilt; Let the oppressor's Icy heart heart begin to melt. When the friends of freedom gather; Grant them wisdom from above; Help them, O, our heavenly Father To advance the cause they love, Blending wisdom With the meekness of the dove, Lord reveal thy arm victorious Bear away our country's shame, Hasten on thy kingdom glorious, Speed Emanuel's peaceful reign- Grateful praises Be to thy most holy name. Salem, August, 1341 .
Antislavery Poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty