Poetry: Impromptu

[Writtcn on reading an advertisement in a late late Boston paper of "50 bbls. New York Gin, of superior quality."] Aye, 'tis "superior!" but for whatà To blast Hope'a Bpringing ilowers; Wher'er its lava Btreani doth flow, It acorches and devours. "Superior" in its strengtb to lay Domestic comfort low; Aod oereach sacred homo spread, Deep, and despairing woe. Superior" with its floods to quench The intellectual fire, To rouse within the heartfeed Each fierce and feil desire. "Superior," in its power to blight Each lovely thing, and fuir, Thatin the heart of virtue growe, And fling Ub mildew there. "Superior," by its touch to dim The light of Beauty's eye, To pluck the rose ir om. oñ' her cheek, And bid it droop and die. "Superior," for its lightning power, To scathe man's angel forra, And leave himshattered, nerveles bent To buffet sorrow's storm. "Superior," by its serpent spell, To charm the heeciless youth, And in ïtsunsuspecting hcart, To plant its poisonous tooth. "Superior," for its ekill to steal, Toils hardearn'd gold away, "Superior," pocket, purse to strip, And leave hira Peiiury's prey. "Superior,"by deceilful smiles, For seeking public good," And many robbing all the while, Of raiment, home and food, "Superior," for its tact to fill The seller's purBe with gold, The price of aighs, and teare, and groans, And agonies untold. "Superior," for its giantstrength, And ruthless arm to bind With more than iron manacles, The loftiest human"Superior," in He might to daeh The parcnt's hope to dust, And deep within the yearning heart, Its murderous steel to thrust. "Superior," by its blasting touch, To waste the social bearth And rnake thia once Elysium-jpot, The glooraiest place on earth The most "superior" temper'd blade, Heli's ininion's ever drew, The most "superior" engine which Man's hopea e'er overthrew. Avoid the foul "superior" curse, The dark insidious foe, For all who "handle, taste or touch.11 Will reap "superior" woe.
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