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"equal And Exact Justice."

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According to llio Distribution bilí, eacu free person in Michigan will rcceive of the nett proceeds of the Public Lands, every i year (supposing the whole to be three miliions,; 18.8 cenK Eacli free inhabitant of South Carolina 32.6 cents. Consequently each free citizen of South Carolina gets from the public treasury, 13.8 cents more than ach free inhabitant of Michigan. Do you ?sk why this is so? The ansvver is, they will hold slaves, and every five slaves in South Carplina draws as much money from the Treasury, as three free persons ia Michigan. Or, more ocpurately, the rpasters draw that amount for the property they hpld in 6laves. The slaves know no more about it, nor will they receive any more good of it, tban the slaveholder's horse?. Michigan and Arkansas catne inlo the Union together. Each free nhabitant of Arkansas receivcs 22 cents, beiiig2.L cents more than each free inhabitant of Michigan. Michigan loaos of her dividend on the whole, because the South holds slaves, $3,821 per annuni. Arkansas gains for her slavesjl,85 1 per year Soulh Carolina gains for her slaves, $32.077 per annum! New England ives to the South every year, $40,225, as ! premium for holding a kind of property ie is too conscieutious to hold herself. There was no reison for this unequal diision, except that the South would never lave consented to divide it in any other pro)ortion, and how can any Bill pass without j ie consent of tho slaveholders? Our.Sentors never said a word about this unequal ivision. The Southern mumbers would have cursed and swore, and threatened and abused them if they had. It is more than probable they would have threatened to "dissolve the Uniot;," and bow could our Senators wilhstand such an argument? They could nov. Or they would have threatenedo hreak up the VVhig party, and go ovor to he Demócrata, and that wou ld havo been vorse stil!. Qur Senators might just as well have presented Ihe claims of Michigan o a dividend from the treasury, because she ïas so niuch property in vvheat, as for the Senators from Louth Carolina to insist on a dividend because that Sute has so much invested in slaves. There is no reason A-hy one kind of property ehould draw a premium in preference to ancther. But our senators dared not say so. If they had been Democratie senators, they would have been quite as servile, probably rnore so. Our senators and re present a ti ves nevor will f ithfully defend the rightss of the people, while their party is dependent for its daily existence, or. the will of the South. Thegreat rule with thera, as shown by their practice, s to "do wel!, if you can, for your con&tituents; but by all means, do nothing to offend the elaveholders."