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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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Farminoion, Oakland County, Í September 6, Messrs Editors: - Havingspeut the Lords day in tliia village, for the promotion of Tem perance, I am abundantly compensated for my feeble services, in seeing the sleepy pnergy of Temperance men aroused, and a pleasing accession of 40 to their 127 members. One of this number was an inebríate, who wo irust wilt over rejoice in the happy event of taking the pledga. But my principie object is to comrnumcate the sad iutelligencc of a PIRE. At the western edgo of this flouriahing little village, resides Mr. William Power, on one of the best Farms in our State; comprising 4 lots, with 200 acres under improvement. Hia Barn was large, whh a shed lOO 'eet long, projecting towards theeast; and another of the same length reaching southward, rondering a shelter and farm yard most idmirable. The barn and shed9 were well filled, containg 600 bushels of wheat, 200 ot which were threshed; L0 tons of hay, togeth er with oats, farming utensils, Lcc, About 1 o'clock last night, Mr. Powbr awoke to behold his Barn and sheds coinplotely envelloped in flame, though no firo or light had, to the knowledge of the faraily, been carried there in three days. When we first looked upon the scène, the flames were at their height. Maddened with the intensity of heat, they ascended to an astonishmg height, and then breaking from the main sheet, ascended in a mass some hundred feot, presenting a moet awfully sublime spectacle. The whole was soon reduced to a heap of mere einders.Mr. Watson had been threshing here with a machine on Saturday, which, with his two hortíce, were in the Barn whencousumed.- One of tho horses was found this morning at a diataiice, most dreadfully burned, probably past recovery; no ono knowing when or how it escaped. Mr. W. is an industrious bui. poor man, and his losa ia very heavy. Thie was the work of an incendiary. One man ia now being tried vrith some evidence of guilt. Youra rcspectfully,