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Traffic In White Slaves

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-Theruvity of slave (rudera isuvery duy causng grealer horror?, lt Í3 now two year3 ince ihey have been coininitling a nevv ort of crime. They seduce young v.onen t New York, to whuin they hoid out tiie ïost brilünut prospecta in ordor to induce liem to embark fur Havana, when they re laken to the coast oi' África, and thero oid to the cliief who wül give the greatesij ïumber of slaves ibr them. One alono] ia been known tosell ibr a full curgo. Carraccas Gazelte, June 1 0. The Havana letter writ'eï abuve quoed writes on ibis subject: "I have just been informeel, on the most uudoubted authority, that the captain of he brig Botador has taken with hiro to be coast of África a very handsorne young linerican woinan(who was seen on board U the time oi" lus sailing, and previoualy hereto by muny persons resident ia this ity,) whom lie intends to offer, iosload fmoney, in exchangc for slaves. It is aid that the sanie thing has boen done )cfore by others, and that f rom fifty to ve hundred Ai'iicans are reudily givcn or a white woman, whose worth is deter mined by her youth and beauty. In belalf of hu man ity, I would be happy ifl ould conscientiously declare that 1 duubt ie truth of this assertion, bui so great is ie degree ofdepravity to which the hab ual cornmiltal of crime has reduced the educed the slavo trader, that I believe eeds equaly revo'ting to human nature re of frequent occurrcnce with them. - n the case of the young womau on board ie Bolador, the only thing doubtful is, vhether this poor creature, tiius condemnd to a life of infamy and slavery, was a onsenting party to herown niisery.