The North And The South
Those interested in continuing the present Whig and Democratie organizations ore bu6V in crying up a multiphcity of abuses and reforms which deinand the care and attention of the sovereign people. And yet we venture t'o say, that there s not one of the prolbund, close-observing ledera of both those partios, who does not alrcrfdy discern tbrougli the dim and misty shado va of the future, tlie certaintyi of an approaching organization of a great Norlhern and Southern party. Some poliücians have foreseen thia result since the anti-slavery agitation fust cominenccd. " Gentlemen," said Daniel Webster, several years since, to liis fcllovv Seaators, "this question of aboiition must be met, and it must be met in this House." Clay, Caluoun, Stanley and VVise re now fully aware that a struggle between the free and slave States, between liberty and slavery, is inevilably approaching, and tliey are marshalling for theconibat. If ''coming events cast iheir shadows before," they certaim"y pass before ue thicker and luster. The slrong opposition of the Nortli to the re-adoption of the aboiition gag, &nd the plan of jumping out of the frying pau inlo the fire, by adopting a National Gag, showed in the beginning of the extre session that the elementa were at work. What measure has been agitated, supported, opposed or discussed during the extra session, unless the wórds ''North and South" were lugged into the question to be hammered upoirt Now this single fact that no mea6ure whatpver can be startcd, discussed, or decided on in Congress, unless lts hearings upon Northern and Southern interests ure first analyzed and ascfirtained, is enough to convince a philosophial observer that northetn and southern intefbsls and feelings are coutinually coming in collision, and lhu they will develop ihemselves in the shape of political organiz itions, the moment existing party iniluences shall relax their 6everityLook at the nominations in the tÃenate. - Webster was opposed for Secretary of State because he had somewhere said that Congress could abolish the inter-State slave trade. Being the prince of Northern politiemns, he was, however, tolerated in the Cabinet, because ha was too great a man tobe thrust out. Granger could not be admitted without protestations in odvance to Gen. Harrison that he was no abolitionist, nor, if we can believc the represenlations hu Bufibred to be made at the South, without explaining away iiis former Qboütion sentiincnts, or making promises of future subservience to the South. The Southern Senators did refuse to assent to his nomination lül all the explanations which thoy were pleased to require, were made. TLe 6laveholder3 have folio wed the same jealous, 6crutinizing policy since. Some time eince, President Tyler nominated seven foreign ministers to the Senate, six out Of the seven being from the slave States - whereas in equity the frec States should have had at least four, and the slave States three, because therc are twice as many free citizens at the North as there are at the South. This, however, could not be grumbledat. It a measure of the "Tyler too" administraron. Well, what was the result? Uy the latest advices from Washington, all those nominated from the slave Btaiee, have been copfirmed by the Senate:while tlic nominatinn of EuVvard Everett of; Massachusetts for Minister to Englnnd lias; i boen lai(i upon the tablc by a mnjorky of two, and the rumor is the President is nbout to withdraw the nomination! The Süuthernurs have got hold of an answer he gave the abolilionists in 1233, where was candidate for Governor, in which he expres-' sed his belief that Congress can aboiish sla-, very and the slave trade in the District of Columbia, &c. This is the head and front of his oftending: and for this crimo the only nominee from a free State is rejected, and doubtless a slaveholder is to supply his place. Now it requires no prophet's yision to foresee the result of such a course of folly, J stupidHy and arrogance. The Eastern whig papers are, or pretend tobe, indignant at, such an assumption. Even Col. Stone of the N. Y. Commercial is out against it, and calis pon the Whig Senators from the East-j ern States if necessary, to refuse to confirm the nomination of a single slaveholder. - Snys the kolonel, "God forbid that such an issue shuld be presented: but if forced upon us, we trust it will be met as Freemen, onght to meet it." The American threatens a dissolution of the Union. The U. S. Gazette says, "the danger is, the North will be driven in a sulid phalanx against the South," and warns the South that thero will be certain danger in süch a course, and the whigs gonerally con-! cur in this feeling. The correspondent of tho Albany Evening Journal speaks of ihe rejeclion of Mr. Erer- ett's nomination, a8 "forming a new era in National politics." Hoiv far they will hold out when the trying time comes (and come t v) remains to bo seen.
Old News
Signal of Liberty