Freedom Of Speech

What an iron despotism crushes the South! Who that bears within him an independent, out-spoken spirit, would wilhngs ly put nis neck under its heel? And yet every year adventurera from the free states of West, are seeking their fortunes in the south at the. price of their manhood, für no one can part with freedom without thi eacrifice. Such a paragraph as the following front the N. O. Picayune, epeaka volumea. "OCAn abolition boatman was heard to promúlgate sentiments not altogether proper at the Vicksburg landing. The Mayor and otbers went in pursuit, but as soon as the boatman discovered the oflicers approach nis boat he anticipated their err&nd, cut his hawser, and floated down the river. The Mayor sent a description of him and of his boat by the Norma, apprizing the Mayors of Grand Gulf, Natchez, &.c, of tbe characteroftlie incendiary." Hunted like a felón for uttering sentiments unsuitable to the aaiDtly atmosphere of Vicksburg!- Pkilanthropist. The Presbyterian Church of New York Mills have passed resolves excluding slaveholders front fellowship and cooimunion.
Free Speech
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty