Hon. Thomas Morris

This gentleman, a the course of a speech befare a recent anti-slavery Con- vcntion, in Hamilton couniy, Ohio, gave the following testimony in regard to the Florida War. I wish here to aay a word wilh regard to the Florida war. That war had ita origin in slavc-hunüng, and it has been keptup for no other purpose. The government agent when attempting to make a treaty with the Seminóles, with a "view of their removal west of the Miasissippi," was actually sent back to Washington city bj the slaveholder, who declared that he must have bis runaway negroos who wcre among the Indians - negroes that were claimed by the Indians tbemselves as their property ! American troops were accordingly ordered into Florida for the ostensible purpose of compeliing the Indians to giveup the territory to the United States; but in reaiity the object was to recapture the negroes. This torce proving rather weak, the Creek Indians wcre employed to assist our arras, and finall y, - O shame where is thy blush? - dogs were brought f'roin Cuba, to huntdown whom? the Indians? No, thcy had never been trainee! lo this. Their profession, if 1 may so speak, was to hunt the negro. They knew nuthing about the Indian. They were brought for no olher purpose, and General Jessup himsel f acknow ledges it, than to hunt itio poor negro. Behold American soldier, Creek Indians, and Cuba bloodhounds, all asssociated in this great enterprise which has cost the country forty nnllions of dollars! In view of all the facts which have been presented before us this day, I think we should not hesitate to carry out our principies at the ballot box. For one, I am resolved to vote for ao man for a public office, "be he a Whig or a Democrat" who is not willing 'to let the oppressed go free,' who is not willing tojoin heart and hand in removing from the institutions of our country one of the greatest curses of the earth. Gov. Pinney, who gave Concord some wonderful acounts of Liberia a short time since, lately lectured to seventy-five per sons in Hartford, Ct. The evening was fine, evcry thing was favorable, and two hirds of his hearera were abolilionista . Great success,