The Reign Of Terror In Cincinnati

The last Pliilanthropist bringa the particulars of the late mob in that city which lasted several days. We have condensed the following account frotn some ten columns of ihat paper. On the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 31, a qnarrcl took place betweon a party of negroes and some Irishmen which wasrencwcd on tlie niglit following, and several persons were woundcd on bolh sides. The raob atta.okcd..a negro boarding house where ïtwaa said a fugitivo was secreted, and it was reported thiit guna or pistols wcre fired. The disturbance was quelled by the interference of some gcntlemen;of the neighborhood, and the pólice look no notice of the riot whatev er. On Thursday night, another rencontre took place in a different part of ihe city, between some boys and youug men and a party of negroes, in which two of the foriner were stabbed. They recovered, and afterwards acknowledged they were the aggrcssors. There was nmch excitement during Friddy, and the negroes took the precaution to arm themselves. About 8 o'clock in the eveninjf, an immense mob assembled to atLack the negro quarters. AJany of the prominent leaders,, were strangers, chiefly from Eontucky, strongly backed up by boat hands 'rom the nver. The Mayor addressed this isseinblage, but they would not hear him, hut :ried out "down wilh hbn" - "run him off" - ind commenced an altack on a ngro house.The negroos rired upon the assailaDts and sevcral were woundcd, About one o'clock the mob procured an iron six poundtr, and loaded it with boiler punchings, &c. and discharged it three times Ãnto the negro quartere. Many of the negroes fled, and a por tion of the military liaving been called out, the mob was kept at bay. A meeting of' the citizens wae held at the Court House in tlic morning at which the Mayor presided. They resolved to observe the laws and discountehance mpb's end that the Tovvnship Trustees enforce the law of 1007, requiring secunty of iiegroes pledging themselves to enforce it to the letter, until our city "is reheved of the effect of modern abolitionism," assuring (our Southern brcthren," to carry out that "act in faith" - and to deliver "up, under the law of Conress forthwith," evcry negro vvho escapes from lis tnaster and comes within our borders. - They requested th Muyor, Sheriff, and the civil authonties, to proceed at once to the dwellmgs o? the blacks and disarm them of all oöensive weauons- and recummending senrch for offonders against the lawe, immeliate legal proceedings against them, and an fficient paerol to protect the persons and noperty of the blacks, dunng the iwistcncc f the present excitement, and until they Liye the bonds reqnired by the act of 1C07 or leave the city. They "Resolved, That we v'ww with abhorrence the proceedings of tho Abolitionists in our city, and that we repulÃate their doctrines, and believe it be the iuty of every good citizen by all Jawful neans to discountenanco every man who ends them iiis assistance."During the day parlies of men and boys scoured the streeLs and dwellings, and securèd all the negroes they could fmd, ;uid brought (hem to one place, vvhere they were kept surrounded liy eentinels. The city aiT thorities disanned the nogroes and marched 250 of' them to j.iil for safe keeping, accompanied by au immense mob, wilh deafening yclls. In the evening, notvvithstanding che prese dcé ofalarge military force, which offered little or no opposilion, the mob broke into the Phüanlhropist office and broke two piesses into pieces with sledge liammers a:id threw them into the river, except some frag" ments which were carned to Kentucky as trophies of victory. The type had been removed. Several negro houses were broken open in' different paits of tlie city and the doors, windows and furniiure totally destroycd. Tlio nero church was destroyed, and several houseg it. They attackcd the confectionary establishment of Burnett (against whom a recent mob was directed) and thoroughly nddled that and ihe houses of several abolitionists, and were proceeding to fire or otherwise deslroy a book establishment, when some twenty or Ihjrly of the leaders were arrested and pu in, and the disturbance ended. It was the intention of the mob to attack the persons aa ' e 1 1 aa the property of abolitionists, but the timely arrival of Governor Corwin on Saturday, and his efficiënt exertions disconcerted their plana. Saya the Philanlhropist - "The slaveliolder has triumphed. All he requirod, is granted. The evening of (hat day consummates his triumph. The "move," pure enough, is no uid!e'" one, but is"carried out in good faith" towards"our Southern hrethren." Two presses are thrown into the river; property to the amount of thousands of dollars is destroyed; ind, as ifto make the infamy ofihe city beyond all parallel, after having disarmed ihe blacks, marched the men to jail, and pledged the faith of the city tó proteet their wives and children and property, the rnob is suftered to demolish their houses, I 3reak open their trunks and bureaus, and 1 bolate their women! Heil itself must ((retnblo at such ati atrorily; atid if this city doog not humble itself in dust and ashes, Heaven's curso tvili yctsink it lower than Sodom." The Cincionati Chronicle Bays: "In respect to (he firing of the negroes, the righi and wrong of such an attack depends upon the circumstanccs of the attack. A man's house n his castlc, by the common luw. IJ is right lo use wèapóns of dfcnce is one of the last resorl, in solfdefence, onlyjuslified hy necessitv. The letter of the law will jusvify il in the defence of property; hut we think in selfdelence, tlmt forcé should only be used in case of personal, or tlirealened personal, attack. This is a[maltcr of opinión. - The resuli showed in wliat extremity they wcre. Fcir we are tohl,on good aulhority, ati Suturday niht, the persons of one or more negro wornen were violated unHer circumstances of inhuman barbarily! - Nów, we say that the man who won't defend liis fainily frora such desperadoes, has not human blood. Dr. Eailey avows his determinntionto continue the publication of the Philanthropistif tlie abolitionists will only furnish the means. lie declares he will give place to the mob, no, not for an hour. The printer'a loss amounts to about $800. We are well persuaded the abolitionists of the great State of Ohio will not suffer their only paper to be thns put down by a mob.