"throwing Away Votes."

A friend who was formcrly a Whg,said lous theother dny ifoat he had doternuned to vote the Liberty ticket tbi.s yenr, altho' he confussed it looked verv much like throwing away his vu;e. He could not see distincily whatgood itwould do. This remark led us to reflect on the subject, and we came to the foMowing conclusions: 1. Every vote cast for sustuining the principie that all men oughtto be free. 3 pot thrown away upon the slaveholders. - Far from it. Tliey have au absorbing interest in it. The very anrmnciation of lic fact, that fur the fi st time since we became a people, votes for universal lÃberly, cast by an orgunized party, pledged to ihat object, were put into the ballot boxes iti thirtcen statcs, in the same year, filled the hearts ofinany fluveliolders with alarm and anxiety. VVhile we resoited onïy to jietitions and moral suasion, they refused to recieve the one, and resisted the other. Thcy were politically safe by securing the aid of our obedient proslavery members of Congres?. Hut when the principies of liberty should be revived in all their puiity and excellence, and the spirit which incited our iathers to suflering and death áhould revisit tiieir ohildren, who could teil what the result might be? The spirit of Adams and Hancock might spring iurth froni the dead Ãn the persons of their deseendants, and revivify the principies which once made the hills of New EnHand to ring with frecdom. The very fact that any nuinber of men can be found who are willing to lay aside party jircjudiccs and1 pariy diÃÃerences to residà their usurped authoriiy over the elavc nnd the (ree, is ominous to them. Ãt Ãs ;i lureboding of evil - it speaks frt fheii interests and their consciences, ; thèrïi that iheir vppressions will uu li sger ic borne unresisted. Ls it. rföïhing tó ti.nn ihat the number ofthose in Vcrmcirit alone uho iiav sworn eternal halreo lo sluvery has in creased in less tlian one year from 319 l more than 2000? Such intelligence tt'il not be read by them willi indiffrence. - â And every vote thus given ibr liberty mus in the nature of the case, teil effeclually oi ihe slaveliolders. On them it cannot be thrown away. 2. Ii is not thrown away on the inter ests of the oppressed free people of color Every vote given fur equal rights aids ii hringing their wrongs and disabilities dis- linctly before the public view, in dislodging prejudice and in swelüng amoun ofthose influences whioh will yet remove the erroneous views of the white populalion, and put all the colored people upon that footirig to which tñeir inlellectual anc mora! qualiÃications shall enlitle thera. 3. The liberly votes nre not thrown away upon either the VVhig or Democratie partios. f they were not of any consequence, they would not be sought for by those parlies. They are esteemed to be of very great moment .aqdstrenuous exertions are used by ihem to prevent their ad herents from joining the Liberty party. - Ia most of the States, the parties are so nearly balanced that a few votes turn the scale, and it becomes all important to secure those few. Gov. Morton was elected in Massachusetls by a majority of one vote in aboutone hundred thousand. Now what signified all the efïbris of the unsuccessful party to sepure 50,000 votes while they lacked that one? When a voter Ieaves the Whig or Democraticparty,and becomes(an abolitiopist, he both diminishes the Blrength of his former friends and addsto that of their opposers; and henee every Lüierty vote may be truly said to count doubly for liberty, and against slavery. 4. Every additional vote given for Ãh criy encourages its friends. It is not throwu away on them. 5. Every Liberty vote tends material. ly to purify the churches from slaveholdinjr influentes. This may be Ihoughtasingu,, lar proposilion, and yet it will be found stricily true. Ilere is a church whereall the voters re so impressed with abhorrance of slavery, that they vote agains all slaveholders who may be nominated for office and against all part es whÃá support the enormiües of the system.- VVhen tho same men are assembled in the church meeting, do you think they w vote for a slaveholder, or a proslavery man for minister, or deacon, or eider?-- They certainly will not. And wlien they have exeluded such men from political fellowship they wili not long give them the privilege of cominunion in thechurch. The iÃiÃlaence of the ballot box thus tell effectually on the anti slavery progresa, of ihe churches. G. He who votes a liberty ticket, and by the force of moral principie bids adieu to, his old party influences, and in the face.of ppposilion givcs his suffiages for the cause, of human rights, greatly bencfits himself. He raiaes himself in the estimalion of cont mur.iiy. He is regardcd wiih respect and confideuee. At the cleciion in Oakland counly last fall, a gentleman whorn we could name ifit was proper, was.seen to, go up to the polls with a long list of written tickets. Ile had been known asa vvhig, and asa man of remarkable candor and firmness. VVhen questioncd, ho said that he intended to vote a Liberty Ticket (hroughout. "But" suid onc, "vhy throw awayyour vote? Yoti knuw thüt Birnoy will not bo elected." lI know" s.iid he, "ihat he will notie elected (his year: but my business is to DO R1GIIT. God requires me to use uil my politica] and moral influence in behaljf of human liberty; and that I am deterfnined to do, whether oihers will do so or not." "But whal are the?e other written voleg you have here?" 'They are the names of friends of Liberty in thisCounly whom I intend to vota for lo fill all thecounty offices." Will any body join you in voting for ihese men?'"I do nót know. I have given mysclf no uneasiness about tiiat. Mv business g to vote for gootl mcn; and f no one will join me, I sha!] do it alone." The coursc of this man made a stronc impression on others, and it strenglhened his own moral fcelings and his intellectual energy. By following out his convictions, he became a nobler and a better man than beÃore: and his vote was not thrown away, but at the coming and each succeeding election it will increase and multiply excecdingly. ]f, then, it be true that every voto gÃven Ibr liumnn rights must necessarily strength ep ihë friends of Liberty and dishoarÃcn ifs enemies- if it diminishes pro-slavery nfluences in the churches and benefits the slav'e and the f'rce oolored man - and if t adds to all the nobler qua litios ofthe mini in those cases where such a vote is given for the sake of moral principie, who would count such a vote thrown away? Among the 7000 who voled for Birney, we have riever yet heard of one person who regretted he had ihrowp away his vote ujion such a cause. On the contrary, theyremember the fact, witii pleasurt, andin tlift same circumstances they would do thesame thing again. On the other side, he who votes witha pro-slavery party, encourages the alaveholder, saddens tho slave, binders the cause xjf universal freedom, sanclions the prejudices of community, oppresses the (Vee colored man, slrengihens pro-slavery influence in church and state, encoufagesmob and lynch law, helps to cheat the North of its money, and aids in destroying its liberties. Who would not eotwit a vote ven for such purposes, or one foHowed by such resu lts, most emphatically tifrown IH'Aà ?
Liberty Party
Old News
Signal of Liberty