Senatorial And County Liberty Conventions

We the undersigned, aboülionists and legal voters of the counly of Lenawee, believing that so long as those friendly to the cause continue to identify themselves with eilher of the old political partiee, little or nothing will be done for the emancipation o( the slave, would respectfully and earnestly invite and request all abolitionists who are in favor of the general principie of indepennent and liberty nominal ions, to meet us in convention at the Court House in the village of Adrián, on Tuesday, the 12th day of October next, at one o'clock, P. M.. for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of nominaiing candidates for representatives of said county, and also for Senators for the Sd sentatonal district, consisting of the counties of Lennwee, Pionroe, nd Ãlillsdale. The times could not well be more favorable for bringing our sacred cause before the people and ït is sincerely to be hoped that every abolitionist, throwiDg aside all prejudicea and jjrepossessions in favor of the old political parties, will como out boldly, manfuily, and conscientiously,.. and press forward in the cause of universal libertv.