State, Senatorial And County Liberty Conventions

In compliance with recent repeated and urgent solicitations from many devoted friends of liberty in various sections of the State, we hereby appoint the following Slate liberty Conventions, viz: At the C'ourl House in Jónesville, Hillsdale Co., on Saturdaj, the 25th inst., at 10 A. M. At the Court House, in Marshall, Calhoun Co., on Tuesday, the 28 th day of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At the Court House, in Kalamazoo, Kalamnzoo Co., on Tue3day, Oth day of Octobur next, at 10 o'clock. A. M, At the Court House, in Adrián, Lenawee Co., on Tuesday, the l'2th day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At the Court House, in Jackson, on Tuesday, the I9th day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 22d day of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M: Some of the above appointments are designedly made at the same time and placee of the appointrnentg of Senatorial and County Conventions for liberty nominations.-rOlher Conventiona may hereafter be appointed m case the friends of liberty in other sections öf the State shall desire it. The Central Committee have made the above appointtnent3 in the fullest confidenre thal each and every friend of liberty, more especially in those seclions of the State where the Conventions are to be held, will spare no reasonable efforts or means fully to prepare the way for Jarge and useful Conventions (to be continued one or two days, according to circumsiances) by getting up an interest without delay, by means of lecturing, circulating papers, handbills, written comrauni cations, &c. JLc, in all the countics, towns, school distnct8 and neighborhoods n the vicinity where bucIi conventions are tobo held. Almost every thing relative to the interest and usefulness of these Con ventious wiil depend upon the amount of interest and sacrifices whick shaü be manifested by ihe friends of liberty, in thoruughly getting thom up. Messrs. James G. Biraey, Thomas Morris, Alvan Stewart, Gerrit Smith, Joshaa LeaviU, and other distinguished friends of liberty, will immediately be written to, to make a visit to our State, f possible, to attend some or all of the Conventions. J3ut let no friend of liberty ia Michigan depend . too much upon foreigu aid, but come to the Conventions himself, full of the spirit of s liberty, ready to speak for the poor slave, L nfl his lnnor abused country. t