Synod Of Michigan

The next annual meting1 of this Body will be held at KALAMAZOO, on the 14th Oct. (the second Thursday,) at 6 o'cloclr, P. 31. The sessions wiü be opened at the Presbyterian church, (Rev. O. P. Hoyt'sJ with a sermón by the last Moderator, ltev. T. S. Wells. Membere of Synod will find accommodai tions provided for them by calhngat the offices of D.B. Webster or N. A. Balch Esquires, or Dr. E. N. Colt. The Stated Clerks of Presbyteries will please recollect the importance of having their Statistical Reporta accurately prepared. GEO. DUFFIED, Stated Clerk. Sept. LOth 1341. N. B. It 13 very important fhat tho Presbytenal Records ehoiild be forwarded without fail,if the Stated Clerk cannot him self altend, aad that all the churches ehould endeavor to be reprcsentcd.