Fourth District Senatorial Convention

Agrceably to the wishes repeatedly expressed to the State Central CommiUee, by many fnends of liberty in the Fourth Senaalorial District of liiis State, composed of Jackson, Branch, Calhoun, Ingham, Eaton, a:id Clinton, (Tor the want of a senatorial connnittee of soid district,) they do hereby appoiot a Senatorial Convention to bo held at the Court House in Marshall, Calhouu county, on Tuesday the 23th day of September, a'. 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purposa of nominating Senators for 6aid District. As the time is short, it is earnestly hopcd that every friend of hherty in the Diatrict will endeavor to extend llns notice in order to eecure as full ?. delegation aa possible frem every part of :he District. The cummittee would also respoctfully recommend to the friends of hberty in Calhoun county, lo hold a county convention at the same time and plaoc, to nomÃnate representatives toahe state legislature. Lot every friend of liberty be prompt in attending these conventions, and bring with him as many of bis irienda and neighbors as posaibJe-