Classified Ads

WHEREAS, MY WIFE, Euza. has left my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, this is to forwarn all'persons froni trusting her on my account; as I sluill pay no debta of her contracting after this date. MICHAEL PUTTEL. Ann Arbor, Sept. 8, 1841. 20-3tv BLANKS of every description neatlj executed at this office. The peculiarities of this Chemical Com pound, are owing to itsextraordinary efN upon tho animal fibre or nerves, lijmen t and muBcles, its virtues being carried h them to tho immediato seat of disease orX pain and weakness. However good any internal remedy raav ba this as an external application, wiil proL powerful auxilary, in removing the diseasa and faciliating the cure, in case of Local Ir flamation, Scroftulous Affections, Kin Evil, Gout,lnflamtory,and Chronic Rlieuim' tism, and in all cases where sealed paia Ot exists. A gentlemen travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1830, heard sa much said in the lalter place, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as he consideredj niiraculuus cures it performed, that he was induced to try it on his owa person for a Lung and Liver affeciion the removal of which had been the chief object ot his jour? ney, hut wliich had resibted the genial influ! ence of that bahny and delicious cliinate.-I He put oue over the región of the liver;-! the mean time he drank freely of an 'herb. tea of laxativo quahties. He soou found his health inproving; and in a few weeks his cough lefthim, the sallowneas of his skin disappeaied, his pain was removed, and h health became pernaanently re-instated. It lias likewise been very beneficial inca. ses of weakness, such as weaknes and jaia in the slomach, weak limbs, lamenees, and offectiuns of the spine, female weakness,&ici No iemula subject topain or weakness intbe back or side should be without it. Married ladies, in delicate situations find great relief from conalantly weariug this piaster. No puffing, or grat notorious certificatea is intended. Those who wish to satisfy themselves of the efficacy of this piaster, can oblain sufficient to spread 6 or 8 piasters for 50 cents, a sum uot half sufScient to pay for the msertionof a single certifÃcate into any ofour njostcommon prints, a single time.- ihis trifling price per box is placed upon ii, in order that it may be within the means of every afllicted son and daughter of the communityjthat all.whether ricti or poor.may obtain the treasure of health, which result from its use. Jew David's or Hebrew Piaster, is a eertain cure for corns A liberal discount made to wholesale putchnsers. Direcüons accompany each box. Priee 50 cents. Doolitlle S{ Ray, agents for Michigan. Country senls supphed byM. W. Birch ard &, Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLeoi Jackson; Dewey &. Co., Napoleon: D. D. Kief, Manchester; Ellis & Pierson, Clinton F. Hall, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Grass.Lakaj Keeler & Powers, Cuncord. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop twoanda halr miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERS andTHREyHING MACHINES- The horse power is a new inventioo by S. W. Fostkr, and s ducidedly superior to any thing ui" the kind ever beÃbro offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 120 dolliirs, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Miree or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can tliresh one hundrcd bushels ofwheat per day (if it yields niiddliog wel),) and it will not be hard woik for the horsea. The Horse Power and Thresher can both bo put in a coinmon woggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Tuo Horse Power will be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one huiu!red dollarB; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. VV. Fostbr, which are decidedly preferable lo any otbers for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work ly hand.- Price, fifteen dollars. - ALSO- CA T-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rale of six to eiglit bushels per hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - (t-SMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. I'osteb.- Price, 8ixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, h Co. Scio, Juno 2á, 1841. 10-ly MORTGAGE SALE. iEFAULT having been made in tho J$Utr ondition of a Mortgage executed by Rufus Crosmnn and Lucy hia wifo, to the undersigned, January fifteenth, eightcen hundred and thirty eight, and Recois ded in the Registers office, in the county of Washtenaw, in Liber No. seven, pagethree hundred and one, of the equal undivided half of the "Sein Mil! property," including the water-power, Mills and Machinery.and about twenty five acres of land.aojoining the villago ofScio, in said county, and lying on both sides of the River Huron, together with the rights of flowing lands covered by the mili pond, (for a more particular description of the preaiisesj reference is made to the record of said mortgage,) and no proceediugs at law having been instituted to collect the debt 6ecured by said Mortgage or any part thereof. Ãotice is hereby given, that said Mortgage will be forcloeed by a sale of the mortgaged premises (or some part of them,) at public vendue at the Court House, in Aun Arbor, in said county on the sixleenth day of November next, at noon. SAMUEL W. POSTER Mortgagee. Kingsley & Morgan, Jltly's. Dated Scio, August 9th, 1841. TAKEN UP, BY the subecriber, on the thirfy-firstday of May last, a span of MARES, one a black Poney, marked P. P. on the eft hip ; the other a grey, with a ring bone md spavin. The owner is requested to prove )ie title and pby charges, and they will be delivered. RUFUS THAYER, Jr. Plymouth, July L8, 1841. 14-8w.