
Mr. JDawsou and olhers succeeded in restoring a temporary calm, which waa soon broken up bya speech of Mr. Payne, democrat and slavehoider, of Alabama, who chargedthatMr. Granger was marked with the black aud hateful staiu of ab olition. Mr. Fillmore eaid that Mr. Grange had denied the charge upon the floor of th House. Mr. Payne said he had appointed aboli tionists us Post masters. Mr. Fillmore inquired whether Mr. P knew this to be the fact? Mr. P. admitted that he did not. Aud subsequenily, to a quesiion from Mr. James of Pennsylvania, whether man was to be denóunced for being opposed lo slavery - whether Mr. P. would a vow the sentiment that all abolitionisl were to bc proscribed. Mr. P. said that he would proscribe them: that he would put tlie brand of Cain upon them - yes, the marie of heil; and i they carne to the South he would hang them Wee dogs, he would wail them - [Cries of order.] Mr Cushing then tttempted to brinj, back the House to the matter under con siderntion, and entercd al large inlo ihe merilsof the case. He begged his friends to pause, and not disappoint all the hopes of the country, barely because they had failed in the details of only one of their measure9. All the olher measures had been carried triumphantly, nnd with a sense of irresistible strongth. To what measure were the party pledged? Were they pledged to the establishment of a Bank in a particular form? No. The Convention at Harrisburgh were not pledged to any bank. WUs il proper to teil the whig party of the Union, that they stood on the bank question alone? Il is true that ihe whig party were expected to settle the currency ; hut it is not true that they wero required to settle it in any particular mode. By a just forbearanco towards the President, and by mutual concessions to the opinion8 ofeach other, we may still act in harmony; and by doing this, we shall be able to carry out the great reform which the people expect at our hands. But the House was past reasoning, and tho debate about Mr. Tyler, and whig ex pectations and whig disappointments!VetoStc. was conlinued by Messrs. Marshal 1 and Wise until iho House adjourncd. Fkiday, August 27. The hot hasle with which the FÃaca Corporation bilà was pushed through the House, seems to be succeeded by leisurel' i reflection n the Senate, - the bilà ñot be', ing yet reported on by the select commiitee. The Senate took up tho llevenue bilÃ, and amended it so as to mukc watchinaker's materials subject to a duty of 20 per cent. They then went into Executive session and confiimed all the diplomatic appointments - except Mr. Evereti's Confirmed - August 20. VV. Barrow, ofMississippi,to Portugal. A. Baker, of Georgia ,to Snrdinia. J. S. Pendleton, of Virginia, to Chili. J. S. Calhoun, of Georgia, lo HavanaConfirmed - August 27. Daniel Jenifer, oT Marylnnd, to Austria. Todd, of Kentucky, to Russia. All slaveholders. Nominated - July 15. Edward Everett, of Mass. to England. Lnid on the tubie !