More Proof Of "good Treatment."

- The New Orleans Picayunr,ofMarch 28, 1841, contains the following advertisement, which present important testitnony in reference to the tender mercies of slavery. WP AN away fiom tho subscriber on or -S-IJl' about the 8th inst. the negro boy PETER, aboul eighteen years uld, has a email ece cut off frorn his left ear, and an ron collar around his neck, wiih thrne prongs; had on a blue roundabout jacket, and u pair of Russia duck pantaloons. All persons are forbid harboring said boy under the penalty of the law. The above reward wilt be paid to any person who will deliver him to the aubscriber, nt the corner of Josephine and Chippewa streets. Lafayette.
Caspar Kruzberger
Fugitive Slave
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Caspar Kruzberger