
-The wicked flee when no manpursuotk. Ãáome years since, in Beaufort District South Carolina, the planters were , thrown into terrible consiernation. The alarm spread fur and wide. Patrols werc ' multiplied; a vigorous walch was set over tlie negroes. Men talked in whispers and slept upon their arms. Every preparalion was made to crush the insurrectiou in the , bud. Timepasscd - no explosión carne - the negroes conlinued peaceful - men bega n to be ashamed of their fears, and look ed uto the origin ofthefearful rumor. And what was tho origin? A fragment of a northern newspaper, in the cupboard ofanold negro, who had brought home some groceries from the store, wrapped 1 up in il! Chivalry? Chivalry?? Yes! The chivalry of oppression grows pale at the sightof a bit of paper.Philanthropist. There is another whiskey rebellion in western Pennsylvania, the scène of the outrages of 1794. Ten thousand persons are in open revolt. The only difference between this and the old ouib'reak, is that it is a rebellion against and not for whiskey.
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty
South Carolina