The Black Law

The reader rnay recollect ihe case published not long since in our paper of a kidnapping case in Lora in county. It seras that Mr. Page at whose house ihe fugitives were found was ndicted under theblack luw. Lately he has had his trial, and been acquitted on the ibllowing grounds as stated by theOberlin Evangalist. 1. That no proof being presented that slavery existed inKentucky, theJudjrein the absence of it could not asaume tliai it did exist. 2. That Page did not know ther were slaves. 3. That he had made no effort (o conceal them. It iá said that no decisión was made, because not necessary, on the cunstitutionality of the law. We think, however, that the court must have held it in light eslimation, for in assuming to demand proof of the existence ofslavery in Kenlurky,they disregard that section of the law which, if we mistake not, enjoins upon ihe court having cognizanceof such ca3es to recognize the existence of slavery in thestates without proof. - Pkilanthrapist. From the People's Advocate. We copy the following account of the most bloody buichery, and horrible exercise of the Lynch Law in the valley of he Mississippi, from the St. Louis New Sra. Those who p-rticipated in this affair must be worse than demons. "It seems that the section of country above and below the mouth of White river, on the Mississippi, has boen for years nfested with gangs of pirates and counerfeiters. Islands G7, GS and 09 were notorious resorts for ihetn. The people of Coahorna county, SIms.) und from theother 8ide of the river, dctermined to rid hemselves of such pests; and our infornation is, that they succeeded in capturng from fifty to seventy-five of them. On the 3d of August, they placed them on board a trading boat, took her to an unrequented place, so that there might be ïo witnesses, and shot and drowned them U. A portion of the names of the gang ave been furnished. They are - Hugh Tully, the chief of the gang, Eliphus iingston, Anrirew McLoghlin, Joe Coton, Hugh Norri?, Joseph Merriott, Wells Pollock, and James Macauley, Whcn (he Bahic passed up, the citizens vore on their way down the river, engagid in the work of burtiing the htÃuáfes Tatey occupied by the victims of their venjeance. No violcnce was nffered to the aniilies that were in them, but were o:ered to leave their horns forever. it is urther stated, the Cashier of the countereiting establishment was luund dead in he river at Columbia. All the mplomcnts of rascality were ound about the premises of the murdered nen. A large amountof counlerfeit Bank otea was discovered, of $50 nd I $100 notes on the Commercial Bunk f New Orlcans, not signed, and 1, 2 and noies of the Third Municipulity, New Orleant.Concerning the recent elecüun iii Illinois, ie Geniua of Liberty remarles: Considering the opposition to poliücal ction by many who profess (o be aboliïonists, the result thus far has exceeded r expeciation. Though small ihe num er, compared wilh the votes given for proavery candidates, it shows a vast ncrease nee the Presidential election last fall, nd is a good beginning in our State ianassings. The POLLBOOKS now show )PPOSITION TO THE SLAVE POWER - the on y place where aspiring pro-slavery policians have the least fear or dread of such )posiiion. A lawsuit was recently decided in one 'the courts of Mercer co., Pa. in which he original dobt was $7,07 and the co3ts 304,94.