Publication Information
Will be published every Wednesday mom ing in Aun Arbor, Washtenaw county, Mich(ran, by the Exectitive Committee, for the Michigan State Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tkrms. - $2,00 per annum, in adva.nct. 2,50 in six months. $3,00, if paymcnt be dclnycd to the close of ilip. ycar. A strict adheri'nco to the ab.óvb tÃ will be obaorvcd in cvery ensc. Advertisements lliankfiilly receivcd and jnscried at the usu&I prices in this vicinity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aid the jcanso of Liberty, is authorized to act as Agent. All REMJTTANcrcs nnd all communicntions esincd Fur publicaüon or in any manner rclatinji to Ilie "Signal of Liberty" will be hcrcafuir addresscd CCpost p:nde0 Ã'SÃonal of Libkrtt; Jlnri Jlrbor. Mich." SIGNAL OF ï.iBKiiTlf. i = Wcdïscsiïaï, OcioSÃÃsr G, L341.