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We Are Happy To Say A Word For Our Old Friend, Henry B. Stanto...

We Are Happy To Say A Word For Our Old Friend, Henry B. Stanto... image
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We are happy tosay a word lor onr old fnend, Henry B. Stanton. In a sort of private, "streak" letter, clatcd Johnstown. N. Y., August 25, 1841. He says :- lI am glad you are at the desk of the Free American again. We are doin what we can in this región fur the good cause. My head aches ihis morning, because I was out last niight until hait past 12, at an anti-slavery meeting. The lemperance and aboliíion folks contrive lo get two or three, and somcümes Cour or five long speeches a week out of me. We shall run a ticket in this counly tliis fall it, "No Slavury! No Alcohol!" and shall make as good an asWuk on these twin monsters as they deserve. No, not exactly as they deserve- for they ouMit to be annihiiated- but shall do what oúr little Btrengtb may be equal to.