American Board Of Foreign Missions
Tliis Society held its ibirty-second anniversary at Philadelph'm, Sopt. 8. The financia! affuirs of the Board wcrc in a critical and alarming situaiion. The receipts last year amounted to 235,000, while the expenditures were $2ü5,000 and the debt of llie society, if the receipts for the ensuing year shall be the same as last year, wil' amount to $3 6,000. Massarhusclts paid $75,000 last year, or nearly one third of' the wliole amount. The other N. E. States diluinihhed their gifts S2,800, and the .lave States decreased tlieirs S7.000, The whole amount reeèived Trom ihe siavoliuldrrs must be vry srnall, while the aboliuonisls begin to witlihold their nccüytomed coniributions on account of the rclatioö of the Board to Slavëry. A memorial was presentad by Mr. Gretn ir om" si x teen ministers of New Hanipshire, complaining of ''e sludicd siImce" that liad beor. maintained on tbat Subject, and caljing oh the Board to bc expücit in uoaking known Iheir views and ftelïngs 'that they may bu reeognized by all as sympathising with those Chrislians who deeply abhor that eystem of öbomination." They also set forth that ampng the sober and considéralo iñetnbcfiB of their churches, iheir is ö deep (eèirng of disapprpbation in refer. ence to the studied silonce of the PoaVd, whfèh must üllinmttfly, and Miat before long, cause their coliiribQtjbns lo !,e suspended, unlcss tbe grievanci; shóutt] be remövèd Tiiis liiemoriul w.ts re i rnul to n cotfiniittee of whicli Dr. Wood.s was chairmnn, wiio nado a vérj cingnlar repurt öpon it. Ile took the grouud thal l)e oue oÃfjct of the jüoard aa "to projiagate tlie Gosjiel aKiong the unevongchzed nations,"and !iio doaway jidolatry, ignorance and wretchednes among l'tjie !ii.;Hiien.;' The committee 'tbinJt id may 'fairly be presurnod ti ar tho fmiib cónfribulVd iiVrun U#ne Lu tiniè to the rreasnry, ore obÃiik- cdinajrrojicrmuuncr, ond are given fVoin proper motivo?," and they recommended that no expression on hc subject ofsiavry he tmadé. Tbö icpo.-t was ulopted, and the Board once more resolved to main'ain fel- lowship wilh slavery, and thus to all jthe wor!d that they do m;t coi)=ider the act of EJavehokling ;0 be a sin or a repronch in a Qftrisiifm peopló. The Board has tlms fully déteriniiiéU to accept iho iVaits cf robbory for the Lord'd treusury, and it is lell viih tllöse who bate ':hat sj'stem of abomi.-iotinn" to re&ulve whether they will continua to fuüovvship it. Conoerning the report, :he Ema;cijntor remarlÃ?; ''I'Ã-Ã; otjec-t of J-cu's (Jli.!.-i s in save pu)i)ic ii om their üims, of which siuvehold ing iá one. The li.mrd cminV.! P.jynjiathisö l'tiliy vviUi tlio itj:cl of.Jesus Clu-sr, ; iind i wóiiyed to limit ks labqra tó iho Hiovh'j of Ui ó sarikMijür ,n, [üvúiiry, Jt ! c iiüx-t pn.perly Jbof to oeüver the" Ui of AlVica.liKÃn, he SaudwicÃi l.-lands, ur iiiü (Jiruke ÃiuiÃnrisi i-.-in ifie sin ci 'i Ãiavcholijiti, betjaust! it aUows ihnj anjong : its own inemóers, ;Ã;. h.iid.s i.imüj ;, fit liMtne vviiii "iheiii lÃo such i ÃÃiol's." 'i'nu repui-i, ho-cver, bauirüusly NiiM'inaieá thaà $iav.vry un vi i, and huà lo ÃÃibor Ãor irs ;ib,.!i!i n is n wucfc of beâ ncVyjotire. On ll.i? !.rn.ii,d :s jtÃlópygn i wps f arnesily resist d 1-y Dociorsi Sktpnjar jnn tÃ,UfS, and 'Fhomis Br-irÃbnl. Eq , hvbp üeclnwl. ihuà u vvmikj n ever do tor tiie Board lo iifiticl 'uur SbuUiërn hrc'.hleii" wiiii thó avowalof sucli scnü.-ncnis. T!ieir:;;iü)ee;s se-y(ÃÃj was well rebúkcd by 6ioi 6ouÃheni meit] and tbe Report was dup-.fcj vviüiuul ulu:v ot.jecUoh:- T!iis is n decide. 1 ;tüvit:co. ià v il! ,iot tcllevö iiie B wrtÃj i.)ucvcr,j:or éntfy llioso v!i hiivé a .-. ,r aifiliwrÃ'buce of the eucrilee of makniià Clirisliauily Uie taiiÃlinaÃd ofshverv."
American Board of Foreign Mission
Anti Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty