The Sabbath In Philadelphia
.-TheCourier of. Juiy 31, eays: Lust Sunday we were coofidently assured that there vore not Iriss than 4 to COOO persons who left the city and county of Philadelphia, in the various modes of public conveyance, principal !y in tho Siffereot steam buats. These stcams boats had been advertised a Jare part pf the week to make these excursión. Crowds rushcd on board of ihem- and in on or two instances, we are told that not less than two hundred persons wcre lefL beiitj upon the wharves because the b-als were too üiróni-i ed. h ft.Many olihe W h.g pap.-r, deal in hard epithets ogainèt President Tyler, Thé Detroit Advertiser epeaks of his vvhiffling treachery,"- "basely treacherous conduct - "a uiereenary j)revaricator"- "a contemptiblfr, whiffling demngogue-'-and declares that no man who respecte himself can take oilicc under him. Jfthe Whigs have elevated such a man aa lhi8 to the first office in the nation, does it not ttrongly indÃcate that Ine party is corrupt? (tTThere ure two gfréat political parties in the nation which are pnusJavery. They must hepro sluvery or ani.slavery, for there can he no neutral ground ij the present condition of things, and they themselves say they are not antiek very. it follows then that the voter who gives his euffrage for the VVhigor Democratie panies, according to the standing the pá'rtiea assume for themselves, votes for slaveiy, and aguinst liberty. Let this be remembered.
John Tyler
Anti Slavery
Pro Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty