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The Southern States And British India

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Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, for Septem ber, comains an article on tho commerceof the Bntish East Indies, consideied in refer ence to tije staple productions of the South Itappears from the statementB there aade' that the climate is admirably adapted to ih' production of sugar, cotton, rice, ind,g09 coffee, tobáceo, and various other articl ' and that the importa from India to Englan( are raapidly incroasing, and Indiu is airead beginning lo bo a fbjandaWe rival to the Soutb. For ioslánoe, tho exporta of sugar fron, India to England in 1831, were about. 60, 000 cwts: in 1SÜ9, 519,126 cwis. The ex" porti of 1H41 are estimáted to excecd 1 00,000 cwts. In 1831, the imports of cotton inio Rn, and from Indio, were75,67 bales; in 1835 110,103 bales; in 1639, 216,784 bales-bel ing nearly tfêDJod in uine years. The i,n.' porialion in 1830, was 47,233,059 ibs. „ 1841, 7G,7C3,95 íbs.; au ticnase without a parallel in the his'.ory of the article. The wriler ndJuees a great variety of fect respocling the capabilities of the country mode of manufacture, soil, nnd cümate, amj enrus op his cor.clusions as folio we 'Tliat wehavepome real groan!g fot iisserlifig tiütt índiu iá ablo lo competa ■■■ :(.h lts in the cultiviitiotj .1' collón, and ■A' -all quuü;ies,ihü writor of this háa eitduavortMi v hnw y ;v fuw substañtial ■uí:ü of recent i;e. li is timo íor tha )íiucrc!o'tl)ü Sun th seriously to büï abuut ihc invc-i!y:itiou ojf the subj.ïct; anJ ift l.ü.e'umelves, whether slave laboriit 31 cenis ú '.! y, (hreu negrocs duitig the woik ót óne fitícman - a vll ktiown lact m i-'uvti ooiintri. s ;) wiUi all i tá cunecmiunt ovfls u.'id víXjUuiií, is equal i frec Jalar at tweivi; ccii'.s ;i dayj a largc supply of .rial)or, and miy quariüfy of uuoccüpièö ■tttad furihe piri-pitíe; and with a governiMn:i iiu .t.1;,::i uuinptmy reudyto secu.-iJ ihyut; h.inr uiy ono great imjiedimeiit jij the way- he greater distante of :iau.-pirtaïiun. 'i'iie people of the United S;áti ajealiko intoreated in this snbject, büd it tiliwiijd by ril bo oiic ofeommon interest."' 'JSow wiuiare the conclusión whidi j are t'urced upon us liy the cuüsideratiins of ;i!ic-e iaci.? i ijih.k a iá futjy pruved by ; ail iMudtni niiitisuii Indiu - Ist. Tho( sbe isamjj.'y cupahie of produciug almost aiiy quaiitiiy uf ho very anieles wtiich lur:u ttie pciqcipul xporïa from uursuuihjèft tírales. XJj. That shu is wjlling.-lil;. Thut ii:cre is ubuudaiice of lïüed jnd imniied land. And 4lh. That labor j --piciüi-vij :iu ciiöap. Kt-übütiii) cïi tiicrfe facts and circumstaucos inu.-l bnóg to ourmindj tho inquiry- Wili ihe j„;i.icrs of the souüiern stüles büüblü lo t-i.tnd ilic coming acüva icotiipetitiuii; iiutouiyas loouantiiy, but to quatUy oí' material? 1 ihink it all resulvcs iiöcif into dné-6jni{)le atiswer, ihat ihey who Bell thecheajicstüf the sume arücle, ui wbatêvcr k'aneiy of merchandize, and Qp pr.qhtbjfiuHs m he svay, iljget tho UiDsl Cllóluül.i beltevc it can be safe ly aj-serteil, that witíiümpreseiií eyslly system of abor at the íájuil,, lii.y wii! ue unabíe to compete :wi;htl:e tíast:Iíidí(s. il we have beeu ; ábfe lu jr-.Hiucfc íiit; same anieles beüer'and wiih a nclisuil aud ingeuious maciimery, t .loes uot stand lo reason, that uAmr couutnes wiíli Uto same suil and clieaper iabur, may tíot take advanliígeof our im)rüciJcms).ind backed by a tvealjthy eou.pany, uu'd encouruged üy_a jmíw? eiiul góvermnenijiHj abie tu defy our ami: pelitiou. ilis. no.t possible - u U ugttiiiii Uic very nuurtj iÁ our present system. ' j 1 hopo dio jí,,?,tcis oi uur Southern jálales iuty uut ijo uíraui tc aak themselves the quesuon, Cari we aieet this scarcefy tu be suppused chige: Is u poLtic, ur pioliLiiblc lücoutiuuc Ule preseiu wastcí'ui eysiem uí labor auy luagei ? Tne nnWer ui every cundid man ivjxy coquires iutu the suj jucl ij yuu cannotgüon e.xhaustü)j uiiulc iraets of fcrtile luud by ihisplau - niüving furlíier west every t'ow year?, ml the original pluniaiiuns faifiug back inlo a fruiíless uiideiness, (which 13 tlx: uperaliüii al the Suiuli,) wifhout rniniíii; yumselves, and the cuuuiry aiiu. But )cilu)s ii wül be a&ked by tlio planters- rSuppoáe wechange ihesysiero; 8b i II wc be nble wilh free aour, and limesiiving niüchmery, lo cü. i. pele -.v i h la&M in tiie - l-'ast at tliineen ceñís a cíay? I iliink this is satiefacíurily answered hyúu: lucí tliai we have at present the supply iugoftho ico maia articles in which ihe suuiliera staScs are dircclly concerned- cotton aiui tobaccoj and ihat with our ingenuity and&kill, free labor at twenty-five cerus a da y, anda shorier distance, no Amenean can tíoubt that ve should be fully ab!e to compele with india in cheapness 0Ï produetjoa. Give America iull swing and in open miiiketjHnd England dreads her more than any uihec cornpetitor. The very reveise of this is the case at present; conlínuiugin our present svstem, we shaü gaze ou ihc coulücl, und 'iremble for the i eífuit. 'A lew word?, and mis pspcr wil! bc broughltp adoso. I', muy be suppose-.i that itindiaenlirelysupplie's Britaui wiili tíie ameles that we now do, she (Í3ritii) wijl unpovciish her'selfby losing eo valuable a market as ihe United states now is. But a glajnèe at the ("acts of the case wül cunvihee us of the error ofsuch an idea. 11' England loses sevemeen rnillions ofnislomere in America, she gains one hundred