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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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il Battlk Ckekk, Sepr. 30;h 1841. ■ Ex. Com'. &m: Gektlemen:- I nrn ;jnow on a latir rhrough Uie Goürftiés of ' Cnihoun, ilillsdalc, Knlarpazbo, Lenauee '.I.ukson, Vúíhionaw &c, n whicl) libcrj ly convenliüiis have been, or are sqori to ij bé held. Fröftmy übservntipns cvcry whore ni mong the eop!e, Í thing hcre cnnnot líe a doubt that ihe same amonnt of cftVts ; and nvjans wUgy put fnrth in íio cause oí" j liberty at this time, w'HI bc pTmhicliye of , a föTgreateraroountöf oiulüinti thès:ïrrfe would have Leen at nny former period in [thé h story ofour causo. Amwng olhci j réasoris thifl i tho most renwkabic, and us ppeftre .tb me,signa!ly providential dis'raotion of both the o!:l pölitical i partie?,ond es-pociaily that one, vvhose abohtion votes tu suèlain other &reat ititer ests tiran the eduse uf hutpan lihcriy upoti jiiie principie "wf lwo moral evils cboose jilic Icasi" &.K., luive been doubly and j hopelcssly vetoed. Erastus iiussey of j this placo an inteliigent nnd valued nieai bor of the Fnond's Sucieiy, who voled the i wbfg ticket lust fall, has cotnc out very dcciiiedly lor the Übcrly standard. EI wás noroinated and wil! not decline the ■ nornininaürtn lor one of the Senators of this Senatorial District. In ihis part of Cal; hpun county, where there wore but (jrce ! or Ibur líbcity votes given last fall, it is ' thotight the nuniber, of from 40 to 00 at j ai least, can already be depended upo u certaint)'. Some of the most valuj a bic men are almost cunstantly coming o1 ver to rally for the slave and our a, bused and oppressed country, unuer the ' liberty stundard. While we are witnessing these encotirageing incjications for the .speedy triumph ofour cause lel us siill continue our constant appeuls eniirely independent and j irrespective of boih the oljd parlies, to the pure Philauthropy and Palriotiem of the ' Amküican phoplu. Ttiis is (lie only possi ble hope under a benignant providen:e lor our own lost liberties. VViule the moral hearing of this mighty entërprise, should constaatly bè elevated ralher than be luwereii.yreat efforfs should he made by nieans ofUie universal diff.tsiuu of the iight of trath, to dissipnie tbat gniss and ihick darkness that broods oven ■ thepeople in Church and State, upon the sul-ject of American slavery in the "absircl" and concrete morally, politically, nnd jinuncially, Whüe inany can appa' rently be matle to sec and toluol that slavery and tiio siAVE power in lliis nation are iminenseand ovcrwhehnin evils, giving 1'oro to public sentiment, and irresis'ta; bly controlling, as with u rud of iron, ai! '■ the grea'. afiutrsof the nation, in the Siate and i) the Cliurch, it would seem in many in-stance.s to deinand superhunsan pow er to break the magie spell of a long ener ishod and deep rooted parly spirit, politl cal and eclesiasiical. Ño wonder that the venerable father ofour country in his fa-r secing wisdom once said lo the American peuple thit thcir liberties wouM ever be more endangcred from a "blind party spir it at home than from nny foreign foe " Indeed, while painfully contetnplating the fanciöd s&curity of the body of the Ainurican people from nny serious aggres.sions of the slave power (which ovorwhelining and nsic'ious power has long siuce subverted their liberties,) I often feel constriined to repeat the üeclaratiöü of an einininent aiui wise atatrsrnan, thal a "nation may loose iis liberlies in a ddy and not miss them lor a cenuny." Bat lel us nut y et entirely despair of the republie, for there appears of late to have úeen sume inisgivings a mong a portion ufthe peopie relative to ttiis long I'ancied seeuniy. We have not only heard mach the pus: year about "white slavery" but we are beginning to hear sometbing froin this quarter of the true cause of our while slavery, viz: black slavery, voling as il ! ;s for its 3,000,000 of human chatlüls, au:! thus rigidly coutrolling as ii does rrot only the ciiurches, but the public offices and the iinances iu the wholo nation. Ttic history of the slave power in this country, in all its bearingr upon us as ; peopie is one of tremendous and fearfui magnitude. The untrammelled portion o! the peopie however will hear, and act, and act right upon the subject, about as last as it shall be fairly presentad to them. i I can can sec no hope for the slave power or for our country in the ordinary course ( of eventSjbut for the cnlightened and truc i friends of liberty lo continue incesscntly to raakctheir honest and faithful appenls to the most dÍ3Ínterested portion of the people in every tow'n, school district, and neighborhood in the land, by meansof addresses, papers, &,c. I do confidently trust thnt every true philanlhropist and RUtriot will ever deeply feel the indispensable Decessify of this, and most cheerfully, and readily malie all needed cffurts and sacrifices accordingly. Our cause cannotmove forward rapidty without much sacnfice of time and means, for il has a migbly array of adverse influence in hih places, in Uhurch and State to conlend against. i have adtiressed the people of Bultle Creek the second time by special requcsl, and the pecóle of Ilomer once. I hive alo altendcd ihe Liberty Onventions of Marshall Onjl Jóuesvifle. As you will havo official accounts of theye conventions I wil! just say thut, ajihoiigb, övving to ihe very slioriand limiied nuicc,raiiy"we;íUiCr, Bickness Sc. ihey wcre nut very lnrro, yel i have never seen n muro detcfinincd straight forwnrd body of men hun those who cornposed convenlions. Sëflnjtprial and county liberLy uomïnaiions in Hillsdale will be útaáe a an adjourned uieeting for the pnrpose on Saturdiiy aext . ípejumd upon il ihe frionjs (.fühoriv in ihis county w'iil prove themselvës vvorïhy ihe ïiaüic before ál eet ion, at nlcction. and .itcr tl(iction,:is tlcy ave cnliíied durin Ule unir óf lieedom againsi siavery for black or white in our cuimtry. I ma noiv pn my way to vvhergj judgtng irom the encuutagmg accounts 1 have reccived ther.e will le a large, spiriied, and useful C(.nventton on il'.e 5Ji aöd Oih ofOsiober. I fon:lly irus! tiiat our frtenda in Lenawee, Jachéiin and Waehtenaw will c.onstantly l e on the move in every direclion, to gnt up Uie lares'. most spirited anduseful lihcrty conventions ever held in ihe Suite. i feel much confidente thaí it w!l bc hazarding but linie, for our friends to aay to the people in ilieáe epuntied , that ?oíiio at least of our distinguishëd speakers fiom abroad may be expected to be preseni ai hese conventions. ín all the conventipns the sUhjéct of the iNational Address, and the Signa! ofLiUerly has heen, and wül be fuüy presented. We greatly need, and trust we sh,ull cnjoyiüutual prayers while engagcd in our arduons and responsible laburs. In much haste.I remain vours &.c.