State, Senatorial And County Liberty Conventions
Li complinnee with recent repeated and urgent suhcitations fr.mi rnany devmed triends of liberty in various sectiuns ui" the tÃtate, wc hereby appoint the followmoblatc liberty Convenüons, viz: Al the Court House, in Adrián, Lonawee Lo., on Tuesday, th0 I2th duy of October next, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. At the Court House, in Jackson, on Tuesday, (hu I9t!; day oÃ' October nexr, atlo o'clock, A. AI. At Ann Arbor, on Friday, the S2d duy of October, ut 10 o'cluck, A. M. Some ot' tho abovo appointfaents are desiffnedJjà made at the eame time and places ot the BppóuHments of Senatoria! and Counly Lunveutions ior liberty notninations- Oiher CoMvention8 may hereafter b nppointed in case the friends oflibertv in other .ections óf the Stale shall desire'it. The CVntra! Committee have made the above unpointir.ems in ihe tulicst confidein-e thal each and every fru-ntl oflibertv, more ospecialiy jn inose sec'.ious of the State wliere the Conventions are to he held, wil! spare no reasonable t-ÃTurls or ineans fuüy to preparo urn way for large anti useful Convantions (to be cohtiniie3 ine or two ilavs, accordin? to feirouiöstanccs) by getting üp an interest wuhout delay, by means of lectiirino-, circuláting jmpers, hundbills, wriiten cdmmunicatiöoe, &c. toci, in all the countu-s, towna, schüul diblncts tuid neigliborhootls in the vi cinity wheresüchjcopvenlïorjg are to bo held. Alinost every thing rdaüve to the interest and usefuiness of these Conyüntiona wül dept-nd upon llie tunount of interest and eacriIices wiiich shall be manifested by llie friends ot hberty, in thoroughly gctting them up. Messrs. J.mies G. Birney, Thomas Morris, Alvan Stewart, Gerrit Smith, Joshua Leavitt, and other distinguished friends ofi liberty, wil] immeiJi.iiely be written to, to make a visit to our Sute, if possible, to atiend some or all of the Convenlions. Bat lït do friend of liberly in Michigan depend too much upon foreign aid, but come to tho Convenlions himself, fi:ll of the spirit of liuerty, rcndy to speak for the poor Blavöj and nis long abused country. S. li. TUEADWELL,) Stoie A. L. PORTER, C Central N; BÃRPEE, S Committee. Jckspa, bept. 15, ]C4l.