Senatorial And County Liberty Conventions
We the unaersigned, abolitionists and Iegal voter of tlie counly of Lenawee, bolieving that so long as ilioee friendlv lo tha cause continué to identify themselves with étther or the o!d political partij, little or nothing w.ll be done for the emaucipation of the slave wouid respeclfully and earnestly invite and requcst uil abolitiotusis who are in favor of the general principie of indepennent and liberty n-minations, to meet us ui convention al lbo Court House in the village of Adnan, on Tuesday, the ïath dav ot October next, at one o'clock, P. M.. for"the purpose of taking intoconsideraiion the prounety of noinnieiiug candidatos for representativas of said eounty, and also for Senators for the Sd sentatonal district, consisti"g of tfre countios of Lonswee, Monroe. and Hillsdale. Tho times could not well be more favorable for bringing our sacrerl cause befure the people anti u ia sincerely to be hoped that evory aboiilionist, throwicg asido all prejudices and prepossessions in fat vor of the öld politica! parties, will come out boldly, maniblly, and ccnscicniiously, and press forward in the cautie of universul Hb erty. J. Cakpi-nteu, T. J. Lunr.ow, Paul Tadür, CAa. i'uiLBRooa, H. MlLLIKEK, W. ÃAaWOOO, S. G. Rice, Johh S. Dixoïi, Adrián, Sept. 14, 1341.