At Onondaga, Ãnghatn County, on tbe 2Gt!i inst., David VV. Lockwood, Ebq., aged 32 years, fornierly from Ontario County, N. Y. Mr. Locluvood, was a man of more than ortffnary powers of mind; pleasing and intel. Iigent in his deportment; candiel and charitable in all bis decisions. He suutained tha character of a consistent Cnristian - an. afftciionate compnnion - a kind and faithful inend, and will longbe menjbered witb ad. ijiiralion, by al! thoae who have had tha pleasure ofn acqunintance u-ith hun. Tao intfillire:)ce of his early, and most unexpected ilepar lure will carry pain and ang'uisb among the wide circle of i'riends and kindrede. The public have sustained a great loss: Mr, L. was a fervent advocate for equal rights and equal laws, and bo s: rong was the confidence in his integrity, his firmness aad decisión, tliat his name was placed upon tho Liberty Ticket tbr a candidate for a Representan ve to the State Legislature for the counties of Ingitam and Eaton; and it waa fhoiight, and believod by candid men of aJl parties, that success would follow his norninatioq. [Com. At Leslie, Ingham county, on the I7th inst., David Fales, second Bon of Henry and Susan II. Fiske, aged löyeare. In ihis vilhige, on Monday, the 4tb inst., Daniel Wrd, aged 18 years.