Edward Everett
-The nominationof this gentlemen, as minister to England has heen confirmed by the Señale. The mnjority that turnecl the scale was buttri fling. When the Mhcr day some of the partizan cdilors were in quite a storm ofwrath at the delÃiy of Mr. Evereu's confirma t ion the remark "wns ventured that the thunrJcr was all ccidental, ond ifho were n.ot confirme.-] at aU, i ld be easüy pacified. i'di f ttute of all principie in e utterly, .it (his very time govcriio â 'â 'â : t of Pennsylvanin, is rejocted v tho Pimr; ground that threatened Mr. feverctt's c!e.;truction, to wit, the iovc of liberty. Wiiero now ie the holy horror owthese rnnting gentleman? Not a word tosiy! Silent as iho chamber of (J'-'ath! Ir'ifcimiMs hypocrisy! - detestible ciupliciiy i it chancee! onlv thal Mr. E. is a favorita and patronized b}' the great object of thaïr idolatry, Mr. Webster. American Citizen. A. Belfjiont, agenljf ioo Rothschilds, and Mr. Hhyvyxrd of New York, fircd at each otherjwith twopistols the othor day, like two fiils. Belmönt was shot in the thigh, and iioth ouglu to be hanged.
Minister to Great Britain
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Edward Everett
A. Belmont