What Have We To Do With Slavery?
Who has nided thc slaveholder to build his negro-prisons at ihe seat of government? The noriliern tax-payer. Who Ãas sent back his slaves when ihey runawny? The northern freeman. Who stood ready, "armed and equipped," to quell the insurrection of negroos? The Northern soldier. Who has purchased his corn, cotton and tobáceo, at an advanced profil? The northern merchant. Who has clothed and shud his vassals? The norlhern manufáct'úfer. Who has built his coach, chair or clash nnd förnisned thc drawing room of his mansion? The noribern mechanic. Who has put inio his hand the wcapon of clórith, by which hu keeps his slaves in awe, and armed his overseer and manTslealer with manados, fstier?, branding irons and scoui-e?? The run-sniith, black-smith of the North. - Who hu stood at his right hand on the floor of Con;ress, to aid hiin in applying the gag to the mouth of freedom,and tramp ling pon the right of potition? Thc northcin Ropresentative.
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty