Wise Benevolence
- A sliiveholdcr nMarshall Co., Middle Teniieesee, died latcly, lenving ?i wil!, givipg freedojn lo his slaves, and nlso dirccting a large lot oà land to bc so!d, and ibe pröeeeds paid to six bencvolent societies, at the head oà which is the Ameiucan AntiSlavery SoeiETY. He Icft no chilJrcn, out his iürvivfDg grand-daughter has Iried to areak tho will; tmt the money of less imjortaiice than the factof its bequest. YoutlCs Cabinct. The VVhig members of Conress were a ga in in Caucus on Sunday evcning the ith inst. Is the country to be relioved by Sabbath brcaking?
Marshall Co TN
American Anti-Slavery Society
Old News
Signal of Liberty