Common Schools In Washtenaw: For The Signal Of Liberty
In pursuance of public notice, a meeting of the citizens of Ann Arbor and the adjoining towns was held at the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, the 1st clay of October inst., whereupon the Rev. J. P. CIeaveland was appointed Chairman, and M. Eacker, Secretary. The object of the meeting was briefly stated by the Chairman to be, to confer and consult upon the great subject of Common School Education and to take the incipient measures to form a County Common School association. An able and eloquent address on the subject of Education and more particularly on the present common school system of this state was then delivered by F. Sawyer, Jr. the Superintendant of Public Instruction. On motion of Dr. Schetterly, it was Resolved, That a Committee of seven face appointed by the Chair to take immediate measures to form a County common school association, with instructions to call a County Convention at an early day, and to invite attention to the subject through the public press. Whereupon the following gentlemen were appointed such committee, viz: F Sawyer Jr., Wm. R. Perry, Samuel Denton, George Sedgwick, E. W. Morgan, Prof. Whiting and Dr. Schetterly. On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the village papers. The meeting then adjourned sine die.