The Conventions
It will be seen by the notices that State Conventions are to be held at Jackson on the 19th, and at Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-second day of October. Let there be a general convocation at these places. They are both central points and are surrounded by some hundred of good abolitionists, who ought all to concentrate there on those days, and get acquainted with each other, and strengthen one another in every good work, especially in the work of the slave's earthly redemption. Let none forget the time, nor wait for a further call. Let each neighborhood make its own calculations for attending. The most pressing work of the farmer will then be past, and business can be laid by for a day or two, to afford time for brethren to meet and look one another in the face. There have been more disturbances in Cincinnati since the great mob there. On the I4th an assault took place upon some of the watchmen at a disorderly house, whither they had repaired to preserve the peace, an two of them were dangerously wounded. An attempt has also been made to burn the Reformed Baptist Church in that city, by setting fire to a quantity of shavings introduced into the church by the incendiaries for that purpose, but the flamess were reasonably discovered and extinguished.The Whig county convention which met on Monday last, nominated the following candidates for the State Legislature. Salmon L. Haight, of Saline. Charles J. F. Vail, of Ann Arbor. Chancey Knapp, of Ypsilanti. Thomas Blackwood of Superior. Heman Tickner, of Pittsfield. For County Commissioners , Hiram Arnold, of Scio. Allen Buck, Ypsilanti, to fill vancancy.