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Board Of Foreign Missions And Slavery

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We mentioned last week that a report had been made by a committee of the Board upon a memorial from certain ministers of New Hampshire, praying the Board to express their views on Slavery, and no longer preserve "a studied silence" on the subject. - After the report had been read, the following debate ensued: Rev. Dr. Skinner hoped that some modification would be made of one or two paragraphs of the Report. He was pleased with the spirit of the whole, but he was sure that our friends at the South would be grieved at some of the forms of expression which might be readily altered. T. Bradford, Esq. seconded the suggestion of Dr. Skinner. The same thoughts had occurred to him while the Report was reading. Rev. Dr. Bates hoped the Report would be recommitted without debate and the alterations made. Rev. Dr. Woods was sure there must be a misapprehension of the report, as its simple object was to declare that the Board did not feel culled on to express any opinion for or against the subject of slavery, and this was the current of the report from beginning to end. Rev. Mr. Greene hoped the report would be adopted as it is. No one could object to the words; they expressed the sentiments of all reasonable me. He had his own feelings, strong and decided on the abstract subject, but as a member of the Board, he had no right to touch it. Rev. Dr. Woods said that he would for himself have preferred to omit the paragraphs to which exceptions had been taken. But it must be remembered that these memorialists are worthy men, representing a very respectable portion of men in New England; they are not men stamped with radicalism, but of kind, serious feelings, who can be satisfied with a fair exhibition of the views of the Board. To prevent a schism in New England, which would deprive the Board of a large share of its contributions, he hoped the report would be permitted to stand. Rev. Dr. Dow thought that it was as mild a report us could be expected, and he trusted it would be adopted. He thought every man was in conscience an anti-slavery man; and though he was by no means an abolitionist in the modern tense of the term, he thought it the duty of the Board to give utterance to its views in the language of this report. Rev. Dr. Cox said that he would make a few remarks, though no man had been more misrepresented than he on this subject. He had been mobbed and all but murdered for his supposed opinions. He urged the immediate disposal of the subject, and by no means to re-commit and thereby bring up the question to-morrow 'when the house would be crowded. He suggested a single verbal amendment. The discussion was further continued by Rev. Drs. Skinner, Anderson, Bates and Woods. Rev, Dr. Palmer, of South Carolina, said that all reasonable men would be satisfied with this report; and there were some men whom no report would satisfy. He thought it was a judicious report; and should be adopted. Chief Justice Williams explained the difficulties of the Committee in framing the report; and said that they would have preferred not to touch the question; but finding it must be met, in order to do justice to themselves and the subject, they thought it proper to submit this paper. They regard esavery as an evil, but it is an abstract question with which the Board have nothing to do, and the report so declares. Rev. Mr. Blodget, of South Carolina, said the report would satisfy the South. All the South asks is that the Board will attend to its own business, and so long we shall be glad to co-operate. Let other societies do what they please, this Board has nothing to do with them. This appears to be the doctrine of the Report, and he believed it would be satisfactory to the southern friends of the Board. The question was taken on Dr. Bates' motion to re commit and lost. The report of the Committee was then unanimously adopted. Several things worthy of o notice were developed by the discussion. 1. The very first idea that entered any one's mind was that the South would not like the report. 2. There was danger of a schism which "would deprive the Board of a large share of its contributions," Here was a difficulty on the other side. 3. The committee who made the report intended to steer a middle course, and treat it as "an abstract question," but they were obliged to lean a little against slavery in order to preserve the contributions of "a very respectable portion of men in New England.' 4. It was considered dangerous to discuss this question with "a crowded house." It should "by no means" be done. It might produce a schism. The inference is, that this business should be disposed of with a thin house, with as little discussion as possible. 5. Just as soon as the Board was advisud by Mr. Blodget, that the south would be satisfied, the report was adopted in a trice, without a dissenting voice! 6. How polite these southern gentlemen are! "All the south asks is, that the Board WILL ATTEND TO ITS OWN BUSINESS!" And yet the entire contributions from the thirteen slave States do not amount, probably, to more than a fifteeth part of the whole sum actually contributed to the treasury of the Board.The Mendian Committee have resolved to send the Mendi people at once to their own country, and will now make their appeal to the benevolent for the means.