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We perceive the abolitionists of this State have made nominations for Governor and Lieut. Governor,and have made nominations of Senators and Representatives, in some of the Districts. We wish our democratic friends to recollect that similar nominations were made last year, but when the time came around for the election, many of those who belonged to the whig party, and who professed to belong to the Abolition party also, and who did in fact belong to the society, went into their meetings and urged the impropriety of voting the abolition ticket, as it was a trying and close contest, and that it was important that the whig ticket should triumph; and we wish them to understand too, that when the trial came on at the polls, the great body of the whigs who had acted with the abolitionists, cast their votes for 'Tippecanoe and TyIer too' the latter of whom is now placed in the Presidential chair by the hand of Providence, and by their aid; and we wish them to understand also, that the great body of those that did hold out true to the last, and who voted the ticket were such as would otherwise have voted the democratic ticket. lt is well enough to recollect all these things. - Free Press. The specifications set forth by the Free Press in the extract above, we believe to be substantially correct except the last. There is no reason to believe that the great body of those who voted the Liberty ticket in Michigan last fall would otherwise have voted the Democratic ticket. While there are many voting abolitionists who were formerly Democrats, we believe it would be found upon a full examination that a majority of them have been Whigs. Let them come from which party they will, the influence of their original party views fast melts away, and when once committed to the Liberty party, they become identified with its success. We expect to receive continued additions to our ranks from both parties of such as love liberty and equal rights more than the aggrandizement of their parties, or the success of pecuniary party projects. We can also tell the Free Press that a large proportion of those professed Abolitionists who voted for ''Tyler too" last fall are now fully with us in the support of a Liberty party, as the next election will show.