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New York State A. S. Society

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The animal meeting was held at Utica, September 15th. The number of delegates was large. $1400 were contributed to the funds of the society, besides the sale of two or three hundred dollars worth of books, belonging to the society. Thirty one resolutions embracing a great number of points were discussed and adopted, among which were the following. 4. Resolved that we can give our countenance and support to such religious teachers alone, as heartily and earnestly labor to secure for the slave his inalienable rights and God-given prerogatives. 5. Resolved, That the Liberty party has the strongest claims to the sympathy and support of all the friends of freedom and that all who have access to the ballot box ought to express that sympathy and give their support, by voting only for abolitionists. 11. Resolved, That we regard with surprise, mortification, and pity, the flagrant inconsistency of congress in its extra session, in so disposing of the gag rule, that each side, in its turn, voted for and against the right of petition. 31. Resolved, That it is the duty of church members to withdraw all fellowship from those who, after suitable gospel admonition, continue to practice or apologize for the sin of slavery. The Friend of Man says: The major part of the discussions was held upon the fourth and fifth resolutions. The fifth which relates to political action, was brought forward and discussed the first evening. Powerful speeches, aiming directly at the points embraced in the resolution, were made by Stanton, Smith, and others. Many in the large audience which was in attendance that evening must have obtained new views of their responsibilities and duties as freemen entrusted with the elective franchise.The fourth resolution on church action, or rather ministerial action, was the occasion of the warmest and most protracted discussion.There was for a time a very great diversity of opinion among the members of the Society in regard to the meaning of the resolution. Some few there were who were not quite ready yet to refuse their countenance and support to good men who were ministers, who to be sure oppose the abolitionists, and had nothing to say or to pray against slavery. Indeed, we thought there was manifestly employed in opposing the resolution some of the same reasoning and logic as is made use of by the clerical "cumin-seed dividers," who are so full of tithes and orthodoxy, yet neglect the weightier matters of the law, judgment and mercy for the poor, perishing, but dumb slave. The resolution, after the fullest discussion, was finally passed with but very few dissenting voices.