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Calhoun County Convention

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For the Signal of Liberty. Pursuant to public notice, the friends of liberty met in County Convention, at the Court House in the village cf Marshall, on Tuesday the 28th of September, ult., and was organized by the appointment of J. White to the Chair, and C. Cowles, appointed Secretary. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination of County officers, whereupon),. Chas. Bordwell of Eckford, and E. H. Johnson of Albion were unanimously nominated for members of Assembly; and George Lowree for County Commissioner. After transacting the usual business the Convention adjourned. J. WHITE Chairman. C. Cowles, Secretary. A new AntiSlavery paper has been started at Cazenovia, Madison County N . Y called the "Madison County Abolitionist. It supports the plan of Independent Nominations, and is edited by J. C. Jackson.