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The Work Done

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-We aro nfurmed fromgood aut'.jority that the scveral Baptist A9sociution8 in tli3 State, including, we believe, all the Baptist churches, have tosolved to withdraw all Chnstian fellowship from slaveliolders, and some of thèm have also excluded from tlieir communion the apologista of that sutn of all viilatiiea. - When shall we be oble to record as much conccrnmg the olhor denominationa in our State? We understand that similar resolves have been passed by some of the Presbyte. rians; out we have nol yet been able to get sight at them. VVe would thank our brethren to fornard them to us for publication, that their light may beseen, and not be hit.' under a bushe!. VVe shall publish the resolutions of the baptist Associatioiis aa soon as rcccivcd. QVVhite slaves are very comaion at the South. AdvertisemenU for runaways who will endeavor to pasa theinselves as white men, are frequent in the Southern papers. For instance, " Wilham, 22 or three years of age, about five feet, eight inches high, and very white - his eyes are brovvn and lus lutir straight, and he will no doubt al tempt to pass as a white man," Lc. Ifhe is very white, why ehould he not pass for a white man] Also "a yellow boy, named Alford, aged about 20 or 21 years, about 6 leet high, well made, good features, fine leetk, half qutie straight, and otan auburn color." According to these desoriptions, one half ui cur northern population, 60 (ar as complexion or features are concerned, mighi be eold for 6laves without diQiculty