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- A few rnoRths since atleman of Cincinnali Gucceeded in raising a school offifty or sixty coloree! pupüs in New' Albany. They were of all agee, fiom fouTj lo fifty. The mob took the maüer into' consideraron, anti camc lo the conclusión! ihat ii is highly disreputable fur white per fons to teach colored people in Lhis country, however it might be in Libe-! ria; and the oiïence was so atrociyue ia their view, ihat they set fire to the African ehurch in which they were Vaught, andi threatened to demohsli any house in which the school should be again staried. As ti:cre, was not virtue eaougti in tlie community to] put down the mob, the gcIjooI was abandon-, ed. Some two or t!n;-a y&ars sincc, ths mob brolie up the colorad si:hpol in the enme place, the teacher floil put of lown to avoid lcing larred and featheed, and the rioters feil upon the colorad people, beatiog them with great barbarity, and contiauing their outruges for oiglit or ten nigúts. The Board of Foreign M'ssions ought to send the people of New Albany a tuissionary to in- itruct them in civihzanon. The President has issued a proclamation, warning tliose living on the Cauad.i i'rontier, who aro connected with 6ecret lodgos, and who design to make lavvloas incursions into the BritisU Territorios, that tho lawö against Luch movements will be strictly exccnletl, und if any are apprehended by Bntish author!ty while thus engaged, thuy will receive no protection from ihia ffovernment.{t?Tlie river Euphratfeg lias been navigaled by English steaniboats eleven hun- dred miles frotn its rnoiuh without obstruc-' tion. It is eupposed that tliis river ivill bc sed as a medium of cüininuüication bctweenJ Europe and British India,.