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The Signal Of Liberty

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Our paper Las now been before the public ix months, and, as we promised, ït has been ssued regular] evcry week. During the rst two months, a considerable number of ie old ubscribers to the "Michigan Freetnan" slopped the "Signal," as wesupposo, ecause thoy had become entirely devoted o the interest8 of the o!d political partics. But we are gratified to be able to say that icir place has been much more than made ood, by new subscribers of a different stamp. During the laat two monlhe we havefered the ;Signal" to ibe Public for twelvt weeks tbr twenty-Jive cents, being half the the subscription price. This mea&uro bas ncarly doubled ita circularon through the Stale. But wc are now obliged to recali the offer, so far as the future s concerned, ant wegive notice to the suUscribers for f.velve weeks, that their papers will be discontinued at the expiration of that period, in all cases, unless otherwise ordered. QJNow we ask uil those subscribers to continue theii suhscripüon, and give two dollars to ]ho Post Master to pay fur the "SignaF fur a year, ivho will transmit it without expense to them.O { you have not the mouey, send your name as a subsenber, nnd you will still have your paper for a year for #2.00, f the amountbe paid during the first six months. Ifyou like tho paper, do not ihinU of stopping it on account of povciiy. Ifyou cannot afFord to take it, ifyou are an aboliüonisf, how can you afilrd iodo without il? Allhough the eiz of the paper is emaü, yet in the amount of readmg matter, t equaJs most oi the papers in the State, whiie it surpasses the greater part of them inthe amount of original matter. The "Signa i" has been favorably notlced by the Slavery papers genera.'ly, espe cially by brother Leavitt, of the Euiancipator, who has given a wide circulation to many of our articles. Out brethren in this State, so far as we know, have been satisfied witli its general course, and have dubtless made all the allowance for its short comings which should be made for a publi. catión that ís sustained without an Editor, by the contributions of those who are obüged to snatch each hour devoted to this object frora tJie hurry of their necessary business. Our 8ubscription list ie Bteadiiy increasing and ought to be doubled thia year, and we are confident it might be, if an effort was made by each subsenber. The field, in this respect, is fully ripe for the harvest. In many neighborhoods, the paper is 6ought for with avidity, and a few numbers of the "Signal" have frequently made severa} voling abolitionistg.