The Price Of Blood
- Sir JohnÃins lived in the tipies of Qiecn Jülszuhcth. 'In the accounts which he ñimself gives of one of his expedilions [rilo Ãfrica for slaves] he relates ihal he set fire lo a cily, of which ihe huts wero covered with dry jalm leaves. and out of eight thousand nhabitants, succeeded in scizing twohunIred and fifty." Here is one short tale of en thousand tales in connection with slavery which indeed stands out in characters of bloodl According lo the author's own account of himself, seven thousand seven hundred and fifty souls were suddeny and awfully precipitated inio eternity; and all this Mood is the price for two huiiIred and fifty slaves, and perhaps half of his number died beibre they reaehed the marker. Who ihat possesses the sensibillties of a man, is not pained at every view of the blood and hurrorsof davery 1 " My head is pained- my heart is sick, 'With every day's report of wrong and outu rogc With which theearth is filled." "No! dear as freedom is, And in my heart's just estimation prized Above all price, I had myself much rather De the slave, and wear the bonds, than fasten Them on others."
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Hawkins
Queen Elizabeth