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The Liberty Vote In Michigan

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We give a 6ummary of the Liberty vote in Michigan, as far as heard from: 1840. 1841. Kalamazoo County, . 30 100 Flowerfield, StJusph Co. 11 Dmidee,. Monroe Co. 1 8 Litchfield, Billsdate Co. 1 L7 Grass Lake, Jackson Co 4 33 Jackson, ' " 35 Livonia, Wayno Co. Ll Detroit,' e 40 Nankin, (t 10 Waahtenaw Co. 56 253 (VThore can be no doubt that sevcral hundred Lfberty votes have been lost in the State for want ofaplenliful 6upply of Liberty tickets. In one town in this county ourfriend8 were destilute of tickets, and not a single copy of the Signal could be proj cured from which the names of the candidates could be extracted, and we are j that they did not vote at all. We hope they ' will all subscribe for the Signal immediately and next spring they will be propared for, action.