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Opposition To Truth

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Dr. Faley iongsince remarnea, matine only proper and honoroble way of conduc-i ting a controversy is to state the proposition of your opponent in exactly the same light that ho statcs U; and then place by the eide of t the precise argument you.are able to advance against il, and leave the torce and effect of U to be determined by the candor and intelligence of the reader. By sucu a mode of argumentaron, truth is alwaya easily nnd successfully defended; but error and falsehood shun investigaron, and their advocates find that broad and unsupported assertions, or vilifying and slauderous epitliets, are far more effectual for their purposes, as well as inore congenial to the feel ings of those who purposely advocate iniquity and error. The morch of truth is onward and certain; llie territory she once occupies is seldom forsaken, and 6hc goes forward from conquering to conquer. Whercas the most that can be done for a bad cause is to keep up a sort of flying warfare, without making any permanent conquests, and without a prospect of ultímalo success. lts policy is to atinoy where it cannot overeóme, and harrass where it cannot subdue. The opponents of equal riglits have pursued thia latter course, often with activily and zeal; and thougli the result has for a time seemed favorable to them, yet it bas beun, on the whole disast rous. In our State during the last six months, we have set forth the great principies of the Liberty party in gross and in detail, and in a variety of lights: and our opponents of both political parties have not uttered a word against their correctnees. We hope our readers will bear in mind Qthat both political parties have thus tacitly borne witness that our ake eight-cO They have not ventured directly to attack them', but they have thought that by the use of vilifying and blackening epithets against the persons of abolitionists, they might bo able to raise a new issue, and by lijsseniugpublic respect for the individuals, thcy might disparoge the causo they advocated. Accordingly the Detroit Free Presa carne out a few weeks since with a furious article entitled "FOUL PLOT EXPOSED i" Abo. lilionism with ils doven foot ," accusingous of "shameful duj)licily" misrepresentatbn, playing into the hands of the Whigs, fyc, but not a word wus found against our principies- In like nianner the Whig State Journal week afier week has denounced the noble heartedfriends uf liberty in this County who have maintained their principies against all opposition, as "insidious hypocrites," who professed great frendship for Whig principies, only for the purpose of more easily destroying them - who purposed "under the cloak ot friendslrip to stab them to the heart?" But the Journal says nothing against the principies of these hypocrites, nor does it even deriy that their determination of maintaining them by thcir suffraares was called for by consistency and nrecsity. The denunciations of the Journal mny have had a temporary effect upon a few of th credulous or ignorant; but the result will be I diáastrous to its cause. Honesty ís the ■ best policy. We happen to know that a raong the patrons of that paper are rnany i candid, intelligent and influential men, anc i it will be no easy malter to pursuade them f that their old.neighbors and fellowcitizena, whom they have known and respected for years as men of probity and virtue, have all at once become knaves and hypocrites, because they have feit conslraincd lo advocate the righiö of all men - adoctrine which the Journal has not ventured to attack.sentations of this kind ;vill not be believpd without evidence; and vvhen made and not substantiated, they will infallibly sink the rharacter and conseqnently the influence o; the publication which affirms them to be true. We have thrown out these observations not because we have any predilection for confroversy, but ior the purpose of calh'ng the attention of our readers to tlie fací, that our principies and the course we have taken of supporting them at the ballot box, are right - "our enemies theraselves being judgP.S."