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Advices have been received from China, giving an account of the cannonade of Canton by the British on the 22nd of May. - Many war junks were destroyed, and the Chinese were discomfitted on every6ide. - On the 27th, the Chinese agreed to poy seven millions of dollars as a ransom for the city within eeven days. Ono miltion was paid on tiic day of agreement. If the whole sum should not be paid yvjthjn twenty days, it was to be increased Io9 millions. When the whole sum is pcid, then the British forces are to procced outside the Bogue, and all the fortified places on the river to be restored, but not to be re-armcd until all the aflairs between the two cQuntries are settled. On the l5th of June the Chinese were nfjain preparing great quantities of fire rafis, and large suppües of match, etring aid moncy had been eent to Cantón fioai the different provmees.