Slavery And The Church: For The Signal Of Liberty
Batlle Creek, Nov. 1, 1841. Mr. Editor, - Sir, 'm looking over your paper, I noticed a statement that you beieved the Baptist Associations of Michigan liad adopted resolutions against Slaveryjalsa ihat you vvould publish said resolutions aa. soon as presented. Being a member of th Kalamazoo Rivcr B.iptist Association, and jcsirous that all tbe proccedings ofassocialed bodies againat the dreadful ein of American Slavery 9hould be known, I send you Lhe preamble and Ãesolution adopted by tliia Associalion at ite organizatiou in iNJny last. Whereas, the time has now arrived vvhen Ãn the opinión of this Association, ït becomes the duty of every Chnstion Church, to adopt efficiënt measures in regard to tbe dreadful sin of Amencau Slavery, iherefore, Resolved, Tliat we adviee the Churches of this Association not to receive into their fellowship cny individual coming from a slaveholding State, unlees he shall disavow the principies and practices of Slavery, and that we recommend to every Lrother and si9ter to pray for the bleeding slave aad bis oppressor. Yours in tho bonds of Liberty,