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"the Mendi People."

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-Thetee have made arrangements to have the Mendi Afrieans, (35 in numher,) embark about the 15th November tor Sierra Le- one. They will go in a good vessel, with excellent accommodations, belonging to ono of our first mercantile houses, under the charge of an experienced captain. - ; Mr. Wiiliam Rayinond and wife expectto accorapany them as religieus teachers, and the'Committee hope that two or three othes, well qualified for such an interesting and important field of labor,will offer themselves in season. lt is desirable that one of them, at least, should be a colured minister. Contributions for the expenses of the outfit and passage to África, and for sustaining the contemplatcd mission, are earnestly requested. - Emancipator. The Veto Jfower luis beon vested in the President fifty-two years, and in that time has been exercised but fourteen times, or, about once in every seven hundredacts; passed by Congress.