Classified Ads
IN ATTACHMENT. In attachment, before C. W. Lane Justice. Wiliiam Sperry. J va. Washtenaw county, ss. Carlos Joslin, } . AN attachraent having issued in the above entitled cause, and the defendant nothavingappeared at the return thereof; notice is therefore hereby given that the said cause cause s continued to the l3th day of November next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of the said justice in the villageof Ypsilanli, in said county. WILLIAM SPERRY. August4184l. s7-4;vL prodsice of cvery Dcscriptioii, KECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Subscriptions to the of Liberty," if delirered at the Office, immediatoly over the Stjre of J. Beckley, & Co. Apn SB. MORTGAGE SALE. "JTEFAULT having been made in the [a pnymentofa certain sum ofmoney, secured by indenture of mortgage, executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere "and George B. Daniele, dated, July the 21st, A. D. 1837, and recorded in the reaister's office in the county of Waslitenaw, Aiichigan, on the 2Sll day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in liber five of morigages at page two hundred and eighty-three, whereon 13 due at the date of this nolice two hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents, wnich said mortgage bas been duly assigned to the subscriber. Notice is tlierefore hereby given that on Thursday the third day of February next, at one o'clock, r. m., at the Court House in thti villacre of Ann Arbor, in the county of VVashtenaw, will be sold at public auction the preraises m said mortgage described, bein"- all that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the county of VVashtenaw, State of Michigan and boundcd and described as follows: it being the west half of the southwest quarter of section number seven, in township number one south of range number four east, containing eighty one and thirtv one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS Af'CONIN, Assignen. &L. H. Hewett, Attorney. Datéd Nov. lat Ã841 IVHICH SELL3 IN TH13 COÃNTRT FOK $18 TO S20 PER COPY. Every man, woman and child in the United States, who possess a Bible, will surely furnish themselves with the Jülluwing beautiful series of Scripture llluslrations. riCTORl AL, ILLUSTRA.TI0K9 OF THR BLBLE, AND VIEW OF THB HOLY LAND. JVVw cheap and valuable publication.-v Four hundred pages, 8 vo. fine paper,handtomely bound. Fr ice only TWO DOL LARS. The subscriber respectfully in- viles the aüentioii of Clergymen, Teachers jf tÃabbatli ÃSühools, lleads of Families, and Booksellers thronghout Uie United tates,to the above New, Clieap and splendidly UIus.raied work. Published and for sale at No. 122, Nassau streel, New York city. Ita features are better defined by the title: - Two hundred Pictorial Illustrations oftha 6CRIPTVRES, CONSISTINQ OF VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most remarkablo objects mentioned in the oid and new testanjer.ts, represenüng sacred historical events, copied from celebrated pictures, principally by the old masten, the landscape scene&j taken from original sketches made on the spot, with full and inlereeting leUcr-presa descriptions, devoted to an examination of the objecis mentioned m the sacred text. Ou examination this will be found a very pleasant and profiiable book, especially for the perusal of Young People, aboundmgin ilic must valuable informaüon, collected with great care, from tlte best and latest sourcee, lt may , very pruperly, be designated a comtnon place book for every thing valuable relating to oriental manners, customs, kc.and compriseB within ïtself a corpplete library of religious and useful knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the common Annuais - it will never be out of date. It 13 beautifully printed in new long primer type - handsomely bound ia Muslin, gilt and lettered; and isdecidedly,the best and clicape6t publication (for the price,) ever issuod from the American Press. {jQThe above work may be had at theBuok store ot Dea. Unas. Mosely, onc door west of the Lofdyelte House, Arm Arbor. A libo rul discount made to Wholesale pur chaserfc. Persons in the country, v.-ishiDg to act as agents, may obtain all the neces&ary ins forniation, by addre6sing their letters to the subscriber, No. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBEKT SÃARS, Publisber. Clergymen, Superintendants and Teachers of s&bbath schools, agents of rehgious newspapers and penodicalspostmasters and booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our agentB. No letter will be tuken, from the oflice unless pest paid. To Publishers of Papers throvghout the United States. - Newspupcra er Magaziues, copyiag the above entiro without any a.'teration or abridgement (including this ootice,) and giving it 12 inside insertions, shall receive a copy of the work, (subject to tkeir order,) by sending directions to the Pub- lisher. L9-ï2v THE Publishers of the New York Trib% une, encouraged by the generous patronage and hearty approval which has been extended to their Daily paper eince its establishment, and which has already rendered ittho eecond in point of circulation in the city, propose to publish on and after the l8th day of September, a Weekly edition on a sheet of mammolh size, excluding all matter of a local or transitory interest, and calculated mainly for Country circulation. The Tribune - whether in its Daily or Weekly edition - will be what itB name iinports - an unflinching supporter of the Peo ple's Righte and Interests, in stern hostility to the errors of superficial theorists, the influence of unjust or imperfect legislation, and theschems and sophiBtries ofself-seekmg demagogues. It will atrenuously advocate the Protection of American Industry, ngainst the grasping, and to us, blighting policy of European Governments, and tha unequal competition which they force upon us, as also, against the present depressing system of State Prison Labor. It will advocate the restoration of a sound and uniform Na ional Currency; and urge a discreet but delermined prosecution of lnternal Improvement. The Ketrenchtnent, wherever prac ticable, of Government Expenditures and of Executive Patronage, will be zealously urg ed. In short, this paper will faithfully maintain and earnestly advocate the Principies and Measures vviiich the People approved, in devolving on Whig statesuoen the conduct of their Government. But a small portion, however, of its columns will be devotedto purely Pohtical discussions. The proceedings ofCongress will be carefully recorded; the Foreign and Domeslic intelJigence early and iucidly present, ed; and whatever shall appear calculated to promote morality, mainlain social order, extend the blessings of education, or in any way subserve the great cause of human pro- gress to ultÃmate virtuo, liberty and happiness, wiH find a place in our column?. The JVeekly Tribune will be published every Saturduy morning in Qnarto form, on u very large imperial sl)eet,(31 by 42 inches,) and afibrded to'subscribers at TVVO DOLLARS a year. Six copies will be forward, ed a year for Ten Dollars. Ten copies fcr fifteen dollars, and any larger number iu the latter pruporlion. Payment in advance will bc invariably required, end the paper stopped whenever the tnn of such payment expires, Subscriptions arerespectfully solicited by GREELY b McELRATH, 30 Ann-st. New York, August 17, 1U41 . Editors of weekly Journals. who desire an exchange wilh the Tribnne are requested ty gÃve this Prospectus an insertion in theil columns. ' BLANKSofevery description neatlj execiitefl at this office. Ann Arbor, May 1?, THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &ic. THE undersigned are manufacturih and will keep constantly on hand at their shop twoanda half miles west of Aim, Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POW ERS and THRESHING MACHINES.!' The horse power is a pcw invention'bv S. W. Foster, and is dccidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, witli a good Threshing Machine i8 120 dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Ihree or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can thresh one hundred bushels of wheat per day (if it yields middling well ] and it will not be hard work for the horsei' The Horse Power and Thresher can both be put in a common waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power wiil be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; with. out the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. Thcy also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. W. Fosteh, which are decidcdly preferable to any others for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horae or water power. They also work by hand.- Price, ü'fteeu dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at therate of six to eight bushels pe; hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - OSMUT MACHINES of superior coiv. struction. Invented by S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOTER, h Co. Scio, June 28, 1841. 10-ly MORTGAGE SALE. PEFAULT ha ving been made in tbe condition of a Mortganre executed by Rufus Crostnan and Lucy his wife, to the under9igned, January fifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, and Recor ded in the Registors office, in the county ol Washtenaw, in LÃber No. seven, pagelhroe hundred and one, of the equal undividedhalf of the "Scio Mili property," including the water-power, Mills and Machinery.and about twenty dve acres of land,aojoining the village of Scio, in eaid county, and lying on both sides of the River Huron, together with the rightsof flovving lands covered by the milt pond, (for a more particular description of the premisesj reference is made to the record of said mortgage,) and no proceedings at law having been instituted to collect the debt secured by said MorÃcraÃre or any part thereoi. Notice is hereby given, that eaid MorU gage will be forecloeed by a sale of tha mortgagod premises (or somc part of themj at public vendue at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in sad county on the six teenth day of November next, at noon SAMUEL W. FOSTER Mortgag'ee. Kin63ley & Morgan, Atty's. Dated Scio, August 9ih, 1841. â ' . - - - - __ïJfSILANTI ACADEMY, TEACHERS' SEMINAHï. -j H. GRIFFEN, Principal, wbo fot, -,9 morly had charge of the Teachers1 feemmary at Ann Arbor, and aUo at Grasa Lake. The eixth term of this Institution wil] commence on Wednesday, THE 24TH DA Y OF NOVEMBER next, and continue eleven weeks. While this school is equally open to all of both sexee, who wish to acquire a good English education, particular attention will be given to th ose preparing to Teach. The Langua. ges not being taught in this Seminary, the more exclusive and uninterrupted attention will be given to iropart a practical knowledge of the English Branches. Apparatus. - The Inslilution is furnished with Chemical, Philosophical and Astro nomical Apparatus, Surveying Instruments, &c. &c. to the amount of S300. Tuition. - In the Comraon English Branches, $3, 50. In the Higher English Branches, from $4i 50 to 5,00. Extra Branches. - Mezzotinto and Chinese or Theorem Painting, $3,00 each, for 12 Lessons, taught by Mrs Griffin. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence willba made except for protracted sicknesa, and na one will be received for Jess than five and a half weeks. Board for $1,50 per week, including washing. Rooms may be had reasonabla,. where persons may board themselves. For further particulars enquire of thi Principal. Ypsilanti, Oct. 27, 1841. 27-8w TAÃLORING BUSINESS! A M. NOBLE, would respectfully in-J- form the citizens of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, that he has recently opened a shop in the Lower Town, immediatoly over the late mercantile stand of Lund fy-Gibson, and opposite the shoe store of J. Beckley, &c Co., where lie is prepared at all times to do work in his line, with promplness, and ia a neat and durable manner. Particular attention will be paid to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done at his shop.- Those who have cash to pay for services o this kind, are particular invited to cali. P. S,Wanted, a boy from 12 lo 15 yea of age, asan apprentice to theâ Tailorin& Business. Ann Arbor, October 6, 1841. TAKEN ÃP BY the subscriber, living ia the town of Green Oak, Livingston County, on thö 5th of October, inst.. a .dark brown steer, tvvo years oÃd; no other'marks perceivable. Tho person, owning such steer, will coma forward, prove property, pay charges and take hun away, othenvise he will be disposed of according to law. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 13, 1841. BliïBslts! JSSasüksü Blanksü! fUST PRINTED, on fine paper and tL in a superior style, a large assortj nent of blank summons, subpcenaa, Execi' ;ions, &c- For sale at this office.
Writ Of Attachment
Greely & McElrath
New York Weekly Tribune
Mortgage Sale
Threshing Machines
S. W. Foster & Co
Teachers Seminary
Stray Cow
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
William Sperry
C. W. Lane
Carlos Joslin
Robert Sears
Barney Davanny
Jacob L. Larzelere
George B. Daniels
Francis McConin
L. H. Hewitt
Rufus Crosman
Lucy Crosman
John Monahan
A. M. Noble
H. H. Griffin
Samuel W. Foster